
The Badlands is a region located in the southern part of the Eastern Kingdoms, between the Burning Steppes to the east and the Searing Gorge to the west. It is a harsh and desolate area characterized by arid landscapes, rocky terrain, and deep canyons.   Despite its inhospitable nature, the Badlands is home to several settlements and outposts, including Fuselight-by-the-Sea, New Kargath, and Uldaman. The coast of the Badlands is rugged and rocky, with few safe harbors for ships.   The region has a long history of conflict and violence, with many factions vying for control over its resources and strategic positions. The Dark Iron dwarves, Black dragonflight, and various other hostile groups can be found in the Badlands, along with the occasional adventurer, mercenary, or smuggler looking to make a quick profit.
Location under
Included Organizations