Isle of Nessar

The Isle of Nessar lies off the eastern coast of Silvermoon, a rugged and windswept land marked by a large graveyard that dominates the landscape. Here, the dead from the Wyrmskull disbandment were laid to rest, along with those who perished in battles at sea and were recovered.   But the Isle of Nessar is more than just a final resting place for the dead. It is also home to a group of women who have made their mark on the island's history. Originally led by a powerful matriarchal figure, the group was eventually overtaken by the notorious pirate Jerard, who proclaimed himself the King of Thieves and granted them powerful trinkets as a sign of his favor.   At the heart of the island lies a crypt, where the most powerful leaders of the pirate crews who have passed through Nessar over the centuries are enshrined. Their tombs are ornate and well-guarded, a testament to the wealth and power they wielded in life.   Despite its grim reputation, the Isle of Nessar has much to offer those brave enough to explore it. The north coast is rich in resources, and those who are willing to brave the dangers of the graveyard can reap a rich harvest. But the crypt remains the heart of the island, a dark and forbidding place that holds the secrets of the past and the promise of great power for those who dare to seek it out.
Outpost / Base
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