The Heist of an Era: Session One - A Crew of Questionable Competence

Missions/Quests Completed

4th Spriarjeń 269 5E   A dream occurs, a Dwarf walking through a snow-covered battlefield amongst the corpses of Mastoria soldiers. They then see a palace of white stone, and a hovering set of six crowns that are engulfed in flame and melt down into a singular insidious crown.   Both Thalmun Burrowale and Pud Fullstop wake from their shared nightmare and both follow their nightmare across Vilia.   Thalmun Burrowale separates from his archaeological expedition and departs the Mamnomaga in the city of Dianaw, continuing alone, following the route of his instincts to the city of Waldabrakt.   Pud Fullstop meanwhile would take on a commission with the Imperial Navy and with the endorsement of a mysterious benefactor would find himself working aboard a River Vessel patroling the Rewa Ojo as a Quartermaster.   Meanwhile, a strange and young entity named Blubbard Jnr. would find commission aboard the same river vessel as a cook, likewise endorsed by a mysterious benefactor. This would come shortly after Blubbard Jnr's career in piracy would draw to a sudden and cruel end when she would be mutineed against by her own crew.   Both Pud Fullstop and Blubbard Jnr. would receive an invitation from this mysterious benefactor to meet them in the city of Istanbrakt where they will be offered an opportunity at lavish wealth and ultimate glory. Blubbard Jnr would be instructed to find Pud Fullstop in the city of Waldabrakt.   8th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Along the way, Blubbard would see a putrid corpse floating in the river, completely missed and ignored by the river vessels that were supposed to patrol these waters. They would reach the city in the evening, crossing through the canals of Waldabrakt and beneath a bridge where Anpu Winkybits, The Wretch, Tedduch Stoutman, Zi, Karl, Andrei, Captain Iwo, Audrey Wepple, Pawel, Awenir, and the body of Orville Wepple would pass overhead.   They would eventually reach an underbar inhabited by officers of the Mastorian Navy and there they would find the drunk Pud Fullstop. The two would talk about the invitation given to the both of them but Pud would be confused, showing little knowledge of where he is or what is going on, he would talk about his adventures in the past and how his sticky hands had once saved the world.   11th Spriarjeń 269 5E   After some days, the two would head to their river vessel where they would prepare for their departure on the morrow, but then they would be interrupted by an Imperial Guard (actually the Dwarf Thalmun Burrowale in disguise) who would declare himself the captain and order that they depart that very night. Reluctant, but enthusiastic to reach Instanbrakt, the crew would agree.   With this, the crew would set sail along the Rewa Ojo and would press East to Instanbrakt. They would arrive some days later, with the crew having bonded and having got to know their seeming captain Thalmun Burrowale.   13th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Upon their arrival in Instanbrakt, a carriage would arrive to take Pud and Blubbard Jnr. to see their benefactor. Thalmun would engage in a conversation with Pud that would persist well after the three of them would have left their river vessel, and this conversation would continue as they climbed into the carriage (prompting Thalmun to follow them) and completely oblivious, Thalmun would join them on their journey.   The three would travel along the overpass that climbs above the heights of Istanbrakt and would eventually descend onto the outskirts of The Verge, the cliff-side slums of the city, outside of its magical protections. They would continue until eventually they would reach the small neighbourhood known as the Sink.   Within the Sink, their carriage arrives at a bar called The Climber's Rest and therewithin the bartender directs them to a private room at the back of the bar. It takes some time to move Pud away from the bar but after much tedious meandering, the three are eventually able to organise themselves and enter the room.   They meet there a hooded woman who refuses to give her name and so they give her the code name "Rhubarb". In turn, suspicious of the woman but largely confused by the concept of code names, the party select their own names as well taking on the monikors of "the Captain" for Thalmun, "Sticky Hands" for Pud Fullstop, and "Blubbard Snr." for Blubbard Jnr.   Rhubarb would explain to them that she had recruited them based on their particular qualities and skills, but would ultimately be thrown when she realises that Thalmun Burrowale has also attended and she does not recognise them. Eventually, after Thalmun explains that he simply followed Pud and Blubbard and largely doesn't know why he is there but is in search of the Six Crowns, Rhubarb sees no choice but to let them stay and participate.   Rhubarb then explains their intention to steal the Emerald Crown, symbol of the Imperator's power from the depths of the Palaco Imperatora Milena. All three are reluctant to participate, and Pud is repeatedly distracted by trips to the bar wherein he would loudly and incompetently talk loudly about Rhubarb's scheme. Rhubarb would be dismayed and would have to draw them back to the privacy of their room at least three times before finally she would be able to convince all three to become co-conspirators in her scheme.   All three consent to participate for three different reasons. Blubbard Jnr. desires the chance to prove their value in the wake of their crew's mutiny, and would also hope to develop some sort of emotional connection with their fellow conspirators. Thalmun would crave an understanding of the prophecy that he had experienced and would aspire to see the crowns for himself and there hopefully gain greater knowledge. Finally, Pud Fullstop would link the six crowns of prophecy to the titanic sea monsters of which he had experience, and would vye to steal the crown not to study it, or to return it to Rhubarb, but instead to destroy it.   Regardless, the three would consent to participate and there would receive a series of documents based on information gathered by an additional conspirator identified by the code name "the Inside Man". They would analyse this information and begin to devise their heist.   Prior to leaving the Climber's Rest, Rhubarb asks to speak with Blubbard Jnr. privately whilst Pud and Thalmun depart to a safehouse provided by Rhubarb in order to prepare for The Heist of an Era.
Report Date
01 Aug 2024
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