Session IDK: Hat Gang is Back

It's Back Baybee!

General Summary

  "oh, it's you, I trust you've had many a fun adventure whilst I've been here?"
Iarno "Glasstaff" Albrek, soon to be Ribit Baghood
  After a 10 minute break (5 months real-world-time), the Hat Gang is back. Dymera returned to Phandalin with her new rat, {screaming noises}, and met up with the rest of the party, who were supprised to see the wood elf not covered in blood. Kellogs and Mr. Squirrel plotted together.   The gang traveled to the Townmaster's Hall to interrogate Glasstaff. Upon arrival they met with Sildar Halwinter and asked for permission to see the prisoner. Halwinter agreed but, after what he interpreted as a threat from Dymera, would not allow her to enter. Dymera retaliated by revealing to him the information about his past that Halia Thornton told her, essentially threatening to blackmail him, forcing him to relent and allow her to see Albrek. After a passive-aggressive exchange in which Nissany forced Halwinter to take the key's from Ceirel himself, the party travelled down a small flight of stairs to Iarno's cell. Certain members of the party were somewhat suspicious of Cierel, as she appeared to be half-drow.   Whilst interrogating Iarno Albrek, Jensen cast detect thoughts on him, however, most of what he said appeared to be true. Iarno hadn't been working for The Black Spider for long, and would relay information to him through the goblinoids he had been loaned. Boston Bornes asked the prisoner why he had Thell Dendrar killed, but Iarno could offer no other reason other than "to make an example", prompting a berating from Nissany. Iarno seemed to fear the spider, giving Nissany an idea, and she went upstairs to negotiate with Sildar.   Returning with Sildar, Nissany revealed that she had arranged for him to be moved to the Stonehill Inn, where he would stay under the alias of Ribit Baghood under the watch of Sildar Halwinter. Yuri Canmore suggested they use a secret knock (knock once) so that Ribit would know it was them and let them in. The group begin to speculate about Ceirel's trustworthiness and the accumulated racism almost wakes Jasper.   After they left the Townmaster's Hall, Boston popped into the Stonehill Inn to speak to Greta. When he returned, he said he is fine but Jensen could tell that he was actually sad.

Player Characters Present

Boston Bornes, Dymera, Elarnya, Jensen Astria-Wagner, Nissany, Yuri Canmore

Missions/Quests Completed

Interrogate Iarno Albrek

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

Report Date
15 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Iarno Albrek
Iarno Albrek, now known as "Ribit Baghood"
ScreeeeEEEeEEeeEEeeEEeeEEEeEeeEeeeEeeeeEE eEeeEeeeeeeEeEeEEEeeEEeeeEeEeEeeeeEEEEEe EEEEEeeEeeEEEEeEeEeeeEeEEeEEEeeEeeeEEee!
— [screaming noises], often

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