The War of the Six

The most recent and arguably farthest-reaching conflict on Icalar, culminating in the release of the devastating Plague of the Bitter Hand.

  • 985 AC

    6 /1

    Inebi Grove discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Inebi Grove was a couple of acres of ikam bushes located at Gell's Landing near the Veldu’nan Palace; they were a hitherto undiscovered species.

    Gell's Landing
    Additional timelines
  • 985 AC

    61 /2
    989 AC

    43 /2

    Violet Accord formed
    Political event

    The political banner of the Host of Selephise. Its public agenda was further research into the ikam rather than military purposes. Led by Ouni Kujan.

    Additional timelines
  • 985 AC

    2 /4
    989 AC

    43 /2

    Pact of the Blessèd formed
    Political event

    The political banner of the Golden Itoqir. Its public agenda was quick acquisition of the ikam for eventual inclusion in military agendas. It was led by Prime Nettherose Altith.

    Additional timelines
  • 985 AC

    47 /4
    989 AC

    43 /2

    Golden Itoqir Formed
    Military action

    The official founding date of the Golden Itoqir, the united military forces of the Pact of the Blessed.

  • 985 AC

    50 /4

    Devatska & Eraleon persuade the Etir to align with the Pact of the Blessed
    Political event

    Following the kega called by Hezath Zalesper

    Additional timelines
  • 985 AC

    50 /4

    Zalesper's Kega
    Diplomatic action

    In Kiva

  • 985 AC

    68 /4
    989 AC

    43 /2

    Host of Selephise Formed
    Military action

    The official founding date of the Host of Selephise -- which included the Azgorach Horde and the Kivan Valnoc -- as the Violet Accord's united military forces.

  • 986 AC

    12 /3

    Tikkiss Skirmish
    Military action

    The first skirmish between Violet Accord and Pact of the Blessed Forces took place at the village of Tikkiss, south of the Inebi Grove. It is widely-considered to mark the beginning of hostilities of the War of the Six.

    More reading
    Tikkiss Skirmish
  • 987 AC

    13 /2
    987 AC

    15 /2

    Charge of the Martyrs
    Military: Battle

    A failed prisoner exchange prompts a significant push of Pact forces into Accord territory, using an unprecedented number of bloodsingers; broadly considered a significant escalation event of the war overall and more specifically, a prelude to the Siege of Keismeb.

    Ashspoken Bridge
  • 987 AC

    69 /2

    Gild Bitterway changes allegiances
    Diplomatic action

    Gild Bitterway are persuaded to change allegiance from the Accord to the Pact.

    Cojaea Run
  • 987 AC

    71 /2

    Slaughter of Gild Bitterway
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Bitterway's eova tendencies are stoked by the Ba'athorog Frell, who had learned of their defection, which leads to the gild turning on and slaughtering itself.

    Cojaea Run
  • 987 AC

    73 /2
    989 AC

    22 /1

    The Cojaea Nesting
    Military action

    The occupation of Cojaea Run by the Azgorach Horde as their new, more centralized base of operations following the slaughter of Gild Bitterway. This created a dense 'nest' of warlocks and Azgorach.

    Cojaea Run
  • 987 AC

    39 /4

    Duel of Dussan's Crux
    Military action

    Tieorise Mamnafetche and Sephe Dosneidr duel one another in their race to drain the Dussan Crux Ega Root and thus cripple the other and their accompanying channelers.

    Dussan's Crux
  • 988 AC

    988 AC


    The Tubisqu Rout
    Military action

    A specific counterstrike by Pact forces during the larger Battle at the Qos Spear -- a risky venture that ended in success, despite a significant loss of life, notably achieved without Warmasters or the Tothjal.

    Qos Spear
  • 988 AC

    72 /1

    Battle at the Qos Spear
    Military: Battle

    A notable but final push by Accord forces to invade Ustraria and besiege Korzhun, which ultimately failed. Also notable in that very few Azgorach were used by the Accord.

    Qos Spear
  • 988 AC

    22 /2

    Barter of the Anteg Stead
    Diplomatic action

    The Anteg Stead allow Pact forces to occupy Fache Cove (in preparation for the Siege of Keismeb) in exchange for safe passage out of the conflict zone for their children and vulnerable.

    Anteg Stead
  • 988 AC

    25 /2
    988 AC

    35 /3

    Siege of Keismeb
    Military: Battle

    Pact forces besiege the capital city with the intent to sack it and thus weaken Accord forces and supply lines; they themselves, however, are harried and the siege is eventually broken without a successful sacking. Nonetheless, significant civil unrest wreaks its own havoc during the siege.

  • 988 AC

    26 /2

    Slaughter of the Anteg Stead
    Military action

    The remaining Anteg turn on the Pact forces in Fache Cove, and are slaughtered.

    Anteg Stead
  • 989 AC

    15 /1
    989 AC

    18 /1

    The Seizing of the Ice Child
    Military action

    Both Pact and Accord forces attempt to persuade and then kidnap Aev Jsou, a prodigal Uon channeler, from their home in the Isle of the Cradle in neutral Seyis-Gol. The attempt was unnsuccessful. The name was given post-war.

  • 989 AC

    22 /1

    Assault on the Nest
    Military: Battle

    The Hidden Company undertake a covert assault on Azgorach Horde -occupied Cojaea's Run, and drive back enough of its forces for the Pact to replace them and gain a foothold.

    Cojaea Run
  • 989 AC

    20 /2
    989 AC

    33 /2

    Widow's Siege
    Military action

    Violet Accord forces were held under siege in the Veldu'nan Palace by the Pact of the Blessed at Gell's Landing, near the Inebi Grove. It ended when Aguthsha-Titan released the Plague of the Bitter Hand on all surrounding forces, friend and foe. In the process the Grove and thus the ikam was destroyed.

  • 989 AC

    33 /2

    Plague of the Bitter Hand released
    Plague / Epidemic

    An unprecedented epidemic derived from the stones of the ikam fruit. Created and released by Aguthsha-Titan at the height of the Widow's Seige.

    Additional timelines
  • 989 AC

    33 /2

    The Long Wake begins
    Cultural event

    The sheer number of deaths from the Plague of the Bitter Hand plunges nearly all countries into a constant state of mourning as all resources become focused on quarantining and treating the infected, comforting the dying, and tending to the dead.

    Additional timelines
  • 989 AC

    40 /2

    Inebi Treaty signed
    Political event

    Signed by the Violet Accord and the Pact of the Blessed in light of the Plague of the Bitter Hand taking greater importance.

    Additional timelines
  • 989 AC

    43 /2

    Inebi Armistice signed
    Political event

    The Treaty having allowed quick and thorough assessment of the Plague of the Bitter Hand, all belligerents determine peace to be not only a preference but a necessity.

    Additional timelines
  • 989 AC

    50 /2

    The Banishing
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The precise date given to the return of many Azgorach Horde to their homeworld, though the period that they were given to do so was technically from the 43rd Day to the 75th Day of the Season of Ripening, 989AC. Most of the Horde were killed when they retaliated against the decree, or hunted over subsequent days. A small number escaped the Banishing, including Xa'aroch.

    More reading
    Banishing, The
    Additional timelines