Gell's Landing (Gehll)

Gell's Landing is a northern-pointing, relatively small but strategic peninsula in the northeastern corner of Unenshuut where it meets Iyr. It is a hilly forested area between the Tubisqu and Acheche Rivers and is the site of the Veldu’nan Palace, once used as a grand hunting retreat by Unenshuut nobility but having fallen into disrepair. Directly to the north across a bend of the leftmost, Tubisqu River is Willowbreak Field, the site of the Ustrarian Temple at Willowbreak Field.   It is more notable, however, for being the site of not only the Widow's Siege of the War of the Six, but of the Inebi Grove where the first specimens of ikam were discovered by Aguthsha Intoh on the 1st Day of the Season of Opening, 985AC.
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