Veldu’nan Palace (VELL-du-NAN)

The Veldu’nan Palace was a medium-size, scenic estate located in the Inebi Grove on Gell's Landing, once used as a grand hunting retreat by Unenshuut nobility. It fell into disrepair around the end of the Bloodwater Period or the beginning of the Age of Reformation during territorial disputes and civil wars that made travel to and residing in the area risky, and never recovered.   In recent history, it is most well-known for being the near the discovery site of the ikam and thereafter, having become the epicenter of the Widow's Siege that would end the war that the fruit instigated. Violet Accord forces occupied the Palace and were besieged there; ultimately, this was also where the Plague of the Bitter Hand was released by Aguthsha Intoh and due to the nature of its eruption, the Palace today is nothing more than ruins. Consequently, it is sometimes listed as the official death site of many.

Purpose / Function

Originally a hunting retreat; later a research base and finally a military base.


Significant -- if hurried -- efforts were made during the War of the Six to fortify the manor house and add additional defense measures to the immediate grounds.
33rd Day of the Season of Ripening, 989AC
Parent Location


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