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9/9/213 - Report of Helena and Djinn

General Summary

Sept. 11, 213, Helena’s Log, Scribed by Djinn   Another foray into The Wilds, though now we traveled into the mountains. The journey was long and difficult, and the mountain terrain was unforgiving. But then we were blessed by Pholtus’s holy prey, hunted by his pride in ancient times. To know they exist, and plentifully, means to me that Pholtus has truly blessed this new land. An auspicious day indeed. Afterwards, we continued on our march, where we were met with the nesting grounds of Cockatrices - I underestimated them severely, but the Light of Pholtus and the Grace of Cuthbert freed me from their stony venom.   I thought Helena had died before my eyes. I did not know- no, I do not know what I would do without her. Thank the Gods. It was only by grace and light she was saved that day.   Helena does not find interest in nature’s bounties- she is a proud lioness, and concerns herself only with righteous Combat. I find that they may be useful in the future, so I shall document them here. The following was discovered further north of the mountain range we had initially traveled to. There was a repository of Gypsum Rock, suitable for mining A herd of AxeBeaks, perhaps able to be ranched or domesticated, else hunted? And Ellond Scrubs, a reagent for fire based alchemy. Perhaps I will consult the Alchemist Woman on these things. My pouch of dried Reagents continues to grow, but I do not know where to begin.   Our party then encountered the cries of sonorous music, enchanting those unbound by faith- Djinn and I were unaffected of course, but the Elf child and the Gunman who lack faith in even Pholtus were drawn in, transfixed by the music. We followed it, keen to investigate, only to discover an ancient temple, built by the denizens of this world. It was occupied by what we believe to be Harpies, myths come to life. They were torturing a noble pegasus, a beast like none I’ve ever seen. Despite the wounds covering his body, and despite the broken and battered wings he bore, he emanated a noble aura, defiant to those that bound him. His eyes are a pearlescent blue, his white coat, an angelic white- and his honor was being spat upon by those abominable harpy beasts.   And as such, I slayed them, with Djinn and the others in tow. By blade or by the burning light that was Djinn’s flare- The harpies fell before us, and the pegasus was saved. I have taken to calling him Bangladesh, a noble name for a noble steed- though his true name remains a mystery to me. Perhaps one day we will be able to communicate, but until then, I will care for him.   Also Gunther nearly died, and thus I name these ruins: Gunther’s Fall. I also discovered a none to insignificant amount of currency used by the natives here. Perhaps someone at Gatefall will be able to tell me more.   I grow weary. It has been a long week of travel. This report is concluded.
Helena The Lioness

Rewards Granted

537 XP, 50 Guilders

Missions/Quests Completed

Report Date
07 Sep 2022
Primary Location


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