
The Lowerdark is a vast and mysterious region of the Underdark that extends to an unknown depth, shrouded in darkness and mystery. The further one descends, the more twisted and alien the environment becomes. The creatures that dwell in these depths are beyond the comprehension of most mortals. Endless caverns stretch out in every direction, filled with underground lakes and rivers that flow slowly with dark, stagnant waters. Strange and terrible beings lurk in the depths, their forms twisted and distorted by the unnatural magic that permeates the air.   Rumors whisper of creatures that dwell in the deepest parts of the Lowerdark, beings that wield the power of gods and are worshipped as such by the twisted and corrupted denizens of these depths. Some say that toad-like monstrosities with the power to warp reality itself exist in these parts, while others claim to have seen ancient horrors older than the gods themselves. There are also rumors that the lines between worlds are blurred here, and that beings from The Far Realm can cross over into this world through the Lowerdark.   Those who venture too far into the Lowerdark risk being lost forever in its endless, labyrinthine tunnels, consumed by madness or devoured by creatures beyond imagination. Even the most seasoned explorers and adventurers tread carefully in these depths, for the Lowerdark is a place of unspeakable horror and unknown dangers, where death lurks around every corner.
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