The Titanlands Geographic Location in The Remnant | World Anvil
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The Titanlands

The Titanlands are a series of islands that seem to have been touched by the gods themselves. Here a small portion of divine power flows through every living thing. The people and creatures that live here are capable of growing tremendously powerful, and acts that would cause wonder and amazement in other nations are everyday occurrences, and warriors that would be legendary heroes in other regions work as the common town guard.

As every living thing carries a small bit of divinity in the Titanlands, ones fame directly correlates to ones power. Some even grow powerful enough that they become the equivalents of demi-gods, and begin attracting worshippers. These demi-gods frequently become the controllers of vast amounts of territory, and make up the leadership of the Titanlands. This has made the Titanlands home to many glory seekers and aspiring heroes alike, as the potential for greatness lies within every denizen. Many see this as a blessing, and revel in their ongoing quest for fame and glory, but others see this as a curse. While many choose to grow their fame through heroics, there are also those who gain power through infamy. Wild beasts that develop a reputation for being dangerous only grow in size and ferocity until they are dealt with, and notorious villains can easily become just as powerful as glorious heroes.

The scale of conflict in the Titanlands can also reach near godlike consequences. When the most powerful champions battle against each other the very landscape of the Titanlands changes. Entire villages can easily be wiped out as collateral damage, and it is not unheard of for a battle between two lords to result in the destruction of both their homelands. The evidence of this can be found scattered throughout the Titanlands. Ancient ruins can be found all throughout mountains and forests of the region, and relics of power lie hidden for those with the wit to find them, and the strength to collect them. Luckily open war between the most powerful individuals in the Titanlands is rare, as they are aware of the potential risks and consequences, but that does not mean the threat of annihilation is not an ever present worry.


The Titanlands are a heavily mountainous region, with several different ranges dividing the region. In between these mountains are lush forests, fertile valleys, and an abundance of natural life.

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