The Engraved Smithy

You make your way down Baker Lane, and enter The Engraved Smithy and see that inside, the shabby wood smithery with a straw roof is average sized. The smithy is fastidious, with a swept floor and tools stored neatly on the walls. There's a desk in the corner with a piece of parchment showing the current project's measurements, and the materials are neatly stored in bins. Clearly, whatever apprentice has been charged with upkeep of the smithy has taken their job very seriously. You can see that activity in The Engraved Smithy is reasonably quiet. There is a blacksmith currently sharpening a knife.   On the bench lies a trident. It's obviously polished and ready to be used. Riardon moves around the shop, sure of himself, showing his confidence of his skills.   The blacksmith checks you out for just a moment before smiling at you when you come inside. He introduces himself as Riardon Temnr, the resident smith of the smithy, and asks what he can do for you.   Item:
Dagger- 1 Gold 9 Silver 6 Copper
Handaxe- 4 Gold 9 Silver
Javelin- 4 Silver 9 Copper
Light Hammer- 1 Gold 9 Silver 6 Copper
Sickle- 9 Silver 8 Copper
Spear- 9 Silver 8 Copper
Battleaxe- 9 Gold 8 Silver
Flail- 9 Gold 8 Silver
Glaive- 19 Gold 6 Silver
Greataxe- 29 Gold 4 Silver
Longsword- 14 Gold 7 Silver
Maul- 9 Gold 8 Silver
Morningstar- 14 Gold 7 Silver
Pike- 4 Gold 9 Silver
Rapier- 24 Gold 5 Silver
Scimitar- 24 Gold 5 Silver
Shortsword- 9 Gold 8 Silver
Arrows (20)- 9 Silver 8 Copper
Crossbow Bolts (20)- 9 Silver 8 Copper
Dagger- 1 Gold 9 Silver 6 Copper
Handaxe- 4 Gold 9 Silver
Light Hammer- 1 Gold 9 Silver 6 Copper
Studded Leather Armor- 44 Gold 1 Silver
Chain Shirt- 49 Gold
Scale Mail- 49 Gold
Breastplate- 392 Gold
Ring Mail- 29 Gold 4 Silver
Chain Mail- 73 Gold 5 Silver
Splint- 196 Gold
Shield- 9 Gold 8 Silver
Adventuring Gear:
Ball Bearings (1000)- 9 Silver 8 Copper
Bell- 9 Silver 8 Copper
Block and Tackle- 9 Silver 8 Copper
Chain (10 feet)- 4 Gold 9 Silver
Caltrops (Bag of 20)- 9 Silver 8 Copper
Crowbar- 1 Gold 9 Silver 6 Copper
Grappling Hook- 1 Gold 9 Silver 6 Copper
Hammer- 9 Silver 8 Copper
Sledge Hammer- 1 Gold 9 Silver 6 Copper
Hunting Trap- 4 Gold 9 Silver
Lamp- 4 Silver 9 Copper
Lantern, Hooded- 4 Gold 9 Silver
Lock- 9 Gold 8 Silver
Manacles- 1 Gold 9 Silver 6 Copper
Mirror, Steel- 4 Gold 9 Silver
Pick, Miner's- 1 Gold 9 Silver 6 Copper
Piton- 5 Copper
Pot, Iron- 1 Gold 9 Silver 6 Copper
Spikes, Iron (10)- 9 Silver 8 Copper
Block and Tackle- 9 Silver 8 Copper
Chain, 10 feet- 4 Gold 9 Silver
Lantern, Bullseye- 9 Gold 8 Silver
Lantern, Hooded- 4 Gold 9 Silver
Spikes, Iron (10)- 9 Silver 8 Copper
Mason's Tools- 9 Gold 8 Silver
Smith's Tools- 19 Gold 6 Silver
Tinker's Tools- 49 Gold
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank


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