The Lotion and Red

You enter The Lotion and Red, a shabby gypsum alchemist with a thatched roof. Looking around, The Lotion and Red is a clean and dust free. There is a chemist behind the shop counter currently sprinkling what looks like gold shavings into a large copper pot.   A medium sized woman with a finger missing welcomes you warmly after finishing with another customer. She introduces herself as Raiann Daardendrian, the proud owner of the shop, and asks what she can do for you.   Item:
Adventuring Gear:
Bottle, Glass- 2 Gold
Component Pouch- 25 Gold
Flask or tankard- 2 Copper
Ink (1 ounce)- 10 Gold
Oil, flask- 1 Silver
Vial- 1 Gold
Jug- 2 Copper
Anti-toxin (vial)- 50 Gold
Brewer's Supplies- 20 Gold
Acid- 25 Gold
Alchemist's Fire (flask)- 50 Gold
Healer's Kit- 5 Gold
Poisoner's Kit- 500 Gold
Alchemist's Supplies- 500 Gold
Cook's Utensils- 2 Silver
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank


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