The Markets of Felsoren

You wander through the streets of Felsoren, and come across the market, which is located in a scattered number of tents set randomly throughout town. It seems that the vendors are organised by order of arrival at the marketplace on any given day. The market is known for having all sorts of knick-knacks, and is a victim to the chaos that is so common in markets. Today the market is decently busy, and several people are going between shops examining all the different merchandise.   A aged elf with a strong square jaw is hawking goods, saying "Folding seats! Relax where others can't! Be the big cheese on your block!" from a sturdy wooden booth with a cotton awning.   Off to the side, a extremely tall elfish woman is calling "Certified musical sheep! Don't waste any more time, buy today!" from a permanent stone stall.   A lean elfish man is hawking goods, saying "Light the way with my candle helmet! You'd be a fool to pass it up!" from a sturdy wooden booth with a cotton awning.   Nearby, a aged woman with a rather noble nose is selling dried fish from a permanent table with a tent set up around it.
Market square
Parent Location


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