The Keep of Greeves

This very big keep was built by an ambitious lady three score years ago, and is decent; there are only a few cracks in the walls, but the place can withstand a siege. As you approach, a hare dashes about, seemingly lost, unaware how to escape the confines of the castle.   It is named after Kathryne Greeves, an agister.   It is known for the quality of its meals, and is worth defending because the surrounding land is excellent for growing crops. The castle needs assistance from someone able to provide a magical ward or enchantment to the structure itself.   The Keep of Greeves is ruled by Court of Thornes and the wood elf ruling family, Sholdro.   Its outer walls are defended by a treacherous climb to reach the castle walls, and the lands it encompasses are roomy, with enough land not occupied by houses that space can be cleared for jousting when needed.   The keep's inner walls feature a set of trapped stairs going up to the entrance that can be turned into a ramp, protecting the castle itself, which is very large, even by castle standards. Inside, there is no shortage of space for every type of room under the sun.   The dungeon located beneath the flanking tower in the castle is known as Hell's Hole, and was built by the original owner of the castle.   It is known for being the final home of a famous criminal, and consists of a sprawling maze of twisting passages. It is rumoured that hidden inside the dungeon is the corpse of a deposed king or queen.   The cells inside the dungeon are aging, but sturdy; the walls have some cracks, and prisoners are kept in cells that accommodate up to two prisoners, each shackled to the wall.   Prisoners of The Keep of Greeves are treated like dogs; they receive poor quality meals and enough healing to keep them alive. The jailer, Ridaro Tiltathana, is a wizard, she keeps them in line and makes sure the prisoners can't use magic.
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