The Welcoming Curtain

You make your way down Rogue Street, and enter The Welcoming Curtain a shabby gypsum cathouse with a decently built straw roof. Inside, the huge gypsum building is very tidy. You notice an expensive looking collection of high class furniture laid about the room. When people talk about The Welcoming Curtain, they say the girls are well compensated for their dirty deeds. Apparently, it specialises in performances involving food. Rumours abound in whorehouses, and The Welcoming Curtain is no different; apparently, a client was stabbed with a letter opener.   The Master is applying a generous layer of powdered makeup, he appears to be a rugged and grizzled rogue. After a few minutes the elf waves slightly in your direction, and trudges over to where you are. He introduces himself as Lamlis Caerdonel, the Master of The Welcoming Curtain, and asks what he can do for you.
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank


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