
An ice giant planet located in the Beta Targos System that takes up a green-blue colour from orbit, with many clouds of both colours.   Zarbarax is one of the largest planets in the system and is the only ice giant. It has a number of large rings and planet sized moons that orbit it, but it differs from other ice giants because it has life despite the extreme conditions and very cold nature. Although at a significantly higher pressure than the atmosphere of any regular planet, the upper atmosphere was still thin and this is where life on the ice giant originated. Though nutrients were plentiful in the form of 'ice' (larger atoms such as carbon and nitrogen), a major issue is that life here recieves far less energy. Astromoeba would not survive on the ice giant as its too cold, so they would not support fusion.   As such, this would be the last planet that life would develop on, and it would feature the lowest population density of any planet in the system. This would not stop some species evolving specifically to live in the ice giant though, hoping to escape from predators in space who would not withstand the atmosphere. Due to these extreme conditions, these predators evoided the ice giant entirely when anything even approached it.   Apart from this and the temperature, life on the ice giant is similar to that on Jyara. The Harkas that come to this world eventually evolved to withstand the overwhelming atmospheric pressure, gliding in the thick gas with the radiator wings. This subspecies are known as Zarbians. However, as almost all light that reaches the planet is absorbed on the surface, there are no extemorphile communities that can survive in deeper depths. There are a few species of microbes that can survive around those depths, but they are far too few in number to support any kind of predatation. The upper atmosphere is used by some spacefaring creatures to absorb nutirents from the 'ice' however.
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