
A large gas giant that exists in the Beta Targos System.   Jyara is the largest planet in the system. It is comprised primarily of hydrogen, but there are also various heavier elements that exist within it too, such as carbon, nitrogen and phosporous. This has allowed life to exist on this planet, similar to every other planet in the system. This primarily comes in the form of microbial life, but some larger lifeforms have evolved to filter feed within the gas giant. Some other predators have then evolved to eat those. One species that has arrived from space are the Harkas.   Due to heat radiation being no longer nesessary within the gas giant (due to conduction with the atmosphere), as well as the fact that large wings would be necessary to fly in the atmosphere, a subspecies has developed to survive constantly within the gas giant. These are known as Jyarans. It may seem at first that jyarans would need to be constantly in flight to survive. However, as the pressure of the atmosphere increases to extreme levels, it can exceed the density of most lifeforms including the jyarans themselves. This allows them to effectively rest on one layer of the atmosphere, which has been termed the bed. The gas giant has a number of features, such as some particularly large and powerful storms that have remained for many years. None have dared to fly into the storm intentionally, and the few that have by accident were all killed from the extreme forces involved. However, they are known to be quite pretty to the various communities that live on the gas giant, so might approach it to appreciate the sight.   In order to hide from predators, some extremorphile communities have evolved to live in extremely deep depths, where the air pressure can reach extreme levels and behave like a liquid metal. As the light levels have reached extremely dark levels at this point, they evoled to rely on their extendable hivemind much more to hunt and obtain food. In more current times, however, they have grown large farms like many other harkas subspecies and cultures, as well as specialised 'suits', which are made of a large colony organism, that allow them to visit higher layers or even space. As such, these 'Deep Jyarans' as they are known, are included in the UAC, but otherwise would probably be an entirely unknown species altogether. Due to the square cube law, Deep Jyarans are much smaller than almost every other harkas subspecies, but are still sentient due to having a higher neuron density.
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