Village of Oak Down

Oak Down is a small village roughly a mile from the Town of Oakfield in the Shire of Oakfield.  It has a population of just under 500 people, and it is a community focused on timber and charcoal production.   The village itself is protected by a stone and wood stockade wall, two gates, and a large stone tower.  Carved from the surrounding hardwood forest, much of the building material is wood, and there are large garden plots and animal yards located just outside the village walls.  The Sherriff of Oakfield, Liam Tully, has an office and small apartment within the tower.


300 Halflings, 175 Humans


The village has a Watch made up of 20 trained Ranger veterans, with no fewer than 8 Watchmen on duty at any given time.  Gates are closed and secured beginning at sundown and aren't opened again until 1 hour after sunrise.

Industry & Trade

Oak Down is built around the production of quality timber harvest and lumber production and a very profitable charcoal industry.  Draft horses and mules are brought from the Town of Thorn to haul timber and lumber, while carts of sacked charcoal are routinely moving along the roads out of the Shire.
  View of the village tower within Oak Down.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization