Village of Greenoak

Greenoak is a vibrant and busy village with a rapidly growing population.  The village is located in a large natural clearing in the Old Oak Chase and is part of the Shire of Oakfield.  It is led and administered by Sherriff Liam Tully who maintains a Village Watch of 20 Scout veterans to keep the peace.   Greenoak is less than a mile from the Great Oakfield, where Old Father Oak is located.  This makes the village particuarly busy during Druidic holidays, as it is the primary source of food and refreshment for such events.  Because of this, there are several fine bakers and brewers located in the small community.


325 Halflings, 100 Humans


Village is protected by a stone and timber stockade with two gates and a large stone tower.  Village Watch is made up of 20 Scout veterans, with at least 7 Watchmen on duty at any time.  Gates are secured at sundown and opened again 1 hour after sunrise.  Sherriff Liam Tully has an office and accomodations within the village tower.

Industry & Trade

Timber production, nut harvest, hunting and firewood are all active industries in the village.  There are two large rabbit farms, several fur trappers, and a profitable chicken farm all centered on the village, as well.
  Inside the walls of Greenoak Village.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization