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The Crownseekers was a group of Adventurers hired by Lanamara Edanos through her factotum, Façade. They were promised great rewards to seek the Yantar known as the Crown of Heaven and witness the Hand Conjunction. They traveled from Gwyllan's Watch to Kalernios then on to Jaipal.
  After consulting with Writes with Ink of the House of Leaves, they hired the guide Arjun Hachati to lead them through the Veldonati Jungle. He led them to the Majinari, who ultimately led them to the Gukheya Khin. Khin sent them into the territory of Abraxonathacus the Sapphire, where they were confronted by a group working on behalf of the Rakshasa Danavat and led by the Weretiger Harimau. After defeating them, they continued on to the ziggurat of the Crown of Heaven and explored it.
  After befriending Rethamir Volantis and defeating the deadly Hemaraj, they witnessed the Hand Conjunction and became aware of the phenomenon known as the Visitor. They reported this to Lanamara, who put them on a boat back to Velnar to begin establishing a permanent teleportation circle for her.
  The Crownseekers were:
Adventuring Party


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