Landow Settlement in Trorune | World Anvil


Landow is a bustling trade town that exudes an air of adventure and opportunity. Located in the Southern Lands of the Salvae Empire, just north of the Raja'ri Border. Because coin and rumors change hands very quickly around the town it acts as a barometer for many politicians in the Empire's capital, Arine in terms of geopolitics; it is a melting pot of cultures and races, where merchants, travelers, locals, and even the occasional adventuring group, come together to trade and exchange stories. The lush farmlands surrounding the town, dotted with a few watch towers, small homesteads, and cozy cottages, offer a picturesque view when approaching the town.   As one approaches Landow, the large wooden palisades that encircle the town loom high above, offering the citizenry a sense of security and protection. The southern and northern gates, manned by guards at all hours, serves as the main points of entry for those seeking to do business or explore the town. The additional guard towers at the other cardinal points of the wall, offer a panoramic view of the surroundings and provide an extra layer of security.   The town square is the beating heart of Landow, where the town comes to life. Street vendors, farmers, and artisans display their wares, and locals bustle around, going about their day. A large shrine dedicated to Tymora, the Goddess of Good Fortune, is a staple of the town square, as well as other scattered shrines, dedicated to other gods and goddesses of the Pantheon, while the The Long Road, provides a warm bed and hearty meals for weary travelers and the Poison Mist Tavern tends to be where the rougher locals and travelers alike gather to drink late into the night.   White Feather Trading, located on the south-west side of the town, is a three-story building that serves as a powerful economic force in Landow, run by the merchant-trader, Donatello Zekon. While the stately Cahlan Manor and the imposing Besk Manor, situated on the north-west and north-east side of the town, are the homes of Raydon Besk and Kasper Cahlan respectively, the barons who rule over Landow, and both offer a glimpse into the luxurious lives of the town's elite, while the town's magistrate, Bree Copperpot, runs Landow's day-to-day operations.


Human- 65%   Dwarf- 4%   Halfling- 4%   Gnome- 4%   Half-Orc- 3%   Half-Elf- 5%   Tabaxi- 3%   Tiefling- 2%   Other Races- 10%


The town is a functional duopoly with duties and protection are divided between the two local Barons, Lords Kasper Cahlan and Raydon Besk, while the town's day-to-day operations fall to the town magistrate, Bree Copperpot.


Soldiers of Besk   Soldiers of Cahlan   Local Militia   Twelve foot tall Wooden Palisade Wall with Archer's Towers, and an Iron-reinforced Door   Lookout Towers

Industry & Trade

Outside trade and traveling merchants and adventurers fuel the local trade. The town's most important vendor is Donatello Zekon; his expertise in large-scale trade and specialty items has made him the linchpin as the town's go-to merchant.

Points of interest

Temple of Tymora