Ebony Coast Geographic Location in Trorune | World Anvil

Ebony Coast

The Ebony Coast is a breathtaking, natural wonder located on the eastern shores of Giamela. The black, volcanic sand stretches for a few miles from the inlet that accesses the Giamelan Capital, Wakeflow, to the Torrose. The sand is so fine that it flows through the hand almost as freely as water, giving it an almost magical quality. The sand is jet black, in stark contrast to the turquoise waters of the ocean, creating a striking and unique landscape.   The origins of the Ebony Coast can be traced back to an underground volcano located far off the Giamelan coast. The volcano's eruption centuries ago created the black sand and continues to shape the landscape of the shoreline. The heat from the volcano still warms the sands, making it comfortable to walk barefoot even in the coldest days.   The sand is valued as a trade commodity and can fetch a fair price even in small quantities, however poaching the sand is a high crime in the eyes of the Rycall Monarchy.

Natural Resources

Black volcanic sand
Alternative Name(s)
The Black Shores of Giamela
Coast / Shore
Location under
Owning Organization