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History of Cytal

Ancient Times

0 650

  • 20

    Strafol Mountain
    Geological / environmental event

    The first meteor to crash on the world of Violem landed in the mountains. The impact created a lake at the top of the world where the water never freezes and feeds many of the rivers and streams of Cytal.

  • 63

    Aquella, Acuran of Oceans
    Geological / environmental event

    In an attmept to save the ancient citizens from the Kra-Ken beast, Aquella pushed back the oceans. Creating the desert of Cytal in the process.

  • 158

    City of Maerah

    Maerah, Acuran of Stone used her abilities to shape stone to build a safe haven against the monsters of the wild. Creating one of the first cities in Cytal.

  • 162

    Founding of Cynnaghor

    After creatures from the Great Forest emerged and terrorized the early settlements, a band of Acuran joined together to build a stronghold where all could be safe from creatures and monsters.

  • 231

    Hodall, Acuran of Nature
    Religious event

    The Acuran of Nature used his powers to bless the lands and stop the drought. This led to the Church of Hodall praying to the Acuran as a god.

  • 295

    Birth of Ka-Ko-Rae
    Life, Birth

    The fire spirit of the Great Volcano gave back the lives of the people sacrificed to the volcano in the form of the species Ka-Ko-Rae.

  • 393

    Fi-Ka-Rah and The Great Volcano
    Geological / environmental event

    After the people of the Desert angered the spirit of the Great Volcano, an Acuran named Fi-Ka-Rah set on a quest to calm the spirit and save his people.  

    Further Reading:
    Amulet of Fi-Ka-Rah

  • 500


    Purging of Djinn
    Life, Death

    The Djinn Hunters set out across the world to exterminate all the Djinn out of fear of their reality warping powers.


Acuran Times

651 1200

  • 651

    Neroc the Dark Acuran
    Life, Death

    Through the study of dark magic, Neroc had gained enough power to rival the Elders of the universe. In an attempt to lure one into a trap, Neroc summoned one of the Elders to Violem. But his plan failed and resullted in his eternal suffering and a curse placed on the Acuran, leading to the eventual devolution into Sorcerers.

  • 695

    Ika, Acuran of Storms
    Geological / environmental event

    During an invasion of creatures from another realm, the hero known as Ika did the only thing he could do to save the town. He lifted the town up into the sky and isolated it from the monsters on the surface. This led to the city of Norpelda being formed and the advancement of Air Alum.

  • 715


    A brave warrior and his wife led many hikers and travellers to Strafol Lake. Eventually creating a settlement that would expand to become the city of Drovvin, the mining capital of Cytal and one of the few cities to still have a royal family.

  • 737

    Craters of Crellan
    Geological / environmental event

    The Acuran Crellan was enraged by the actions of the Elders that he brought down heaven and earth to demand an audience with the celestial beings. As a result, the meteors ruined the landscape in the South Western regions of Cytal.

  • 879

    The Fall of Cynnaghor
    Disaster / Destruction

    The ancient city of defence, fighting off the evils of the Great Forest is finally brought to ruins by a horde of creatures from another realm. Leaving the South West completely exposed to monster attacks.

  • 899


    The Descension of Eir-Loah
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Eir-Loah, Acuran of Flight descends from the floating city of Norpelda in an attempt to find a way to restore the limited resources of his people. After ten long years he gains the knowledge to fly, returning to the city in the sky and sharing the gift so the people can prosper once more.

  • 1034


    Water Crusades
    Military: War

    Deep at the lower depths of the sea, the Gillan and merfolk from another realm battle to seige control over an underwater waystone. This conflict stretched for years and ballooned into a conflict over control of the oceans themselves.

  • 1042

    Fortennia, Acuran of Luck
    Life, Milestone

    Fortennia, Acuran of Luck finds herself unlocking a new variation of magic that allows her to predict and alter the chances of others actions. This leads to the creation of a set of dice that she uses to bless or curse indivuduals with either luck or misfortune.

  • 1123

    Swiftan, Acuran of Speed
    Life, Career

    The life of Swiftan was one known as one dedicated to protecting and preserving the lives of a species known as White Writer, the fastest flying creatures in all of Violem. Swiftan spent his life observing and taming these creatures in order to admire and later achieve equal speeds.

    White Writer
  • 1185

    Apatur, Acuran of Waystones
    Discovery, Scientific

    The father of portal magic and the master of waystones. After helping a lost fary return to her home world, Apatur researched and discovered the secrets of waystones. The natural gateways which link the various realms together.   His findings led to the age of Exploration, giving way to groups of explorers to venture into the realms to discover new and exciting worlds.

  • 1200

    Aura Alliance
    Life, Relationship change

    The culmination of discussions between various leaders from the realms of Magic, Fairy, Dragons and Spirits. Leading to an alliance of the realms within the Aura star system. Members from the realm of magic who signed the treaty include Apatur, Acuran of Waystones and the dragon defence group Vivallance.

Age of Exploration

1201 1700

  • 1215

    Monster Realm
    Discovery, Exploration

    A trio of Acuran explorers, Phodzhal, Ik-Gura, & Halvar, set on a quest to use this new portal spell to explore the universe. After a dozen of so failures finding nothing but barren landscapes, they find a world not dissimilar to their own. A world of lush green forests and grassy terrain. The only real difference, the large natural beasts and monsters that resided there. They spent the rest of their lives colonizing the realm, naming it Kurse, the Realm of Monsters.

  • 1218

    Giant Realm
    Discovery, Exploration

    An Acuran exploration team stumble upon a realm where the inhabitants are intelligent, strong and taller than themselves.

  • 1220


    Halvar the Mad

    After discovering the realm of monsters, Halvar spends the next 30 years living in this new realm. Becoming obsessed with combining the magic of the two worlds through experiments. Leading to several monsters he is unable to control. This includes Vampires, Werewolves and sirens.

  • 1223

    Birohhal Founding

    With an increasing number of explorers using portal magic to explore the realms as well as a lack of any formal location to share knowledge, Acurans and Sorcerers alike decided to build a city dedicated to obtaining, preserving and sharing knowledge. Thus began the city of Birohhal and the The Great Library Library.

  • 1250

    Realm Rangers

    With many people wishing to travel the realms it was becoming a dangerous act. to try and make the use of portals and realm travel safer, the city of Birohhal created an organisation known as the Realm Rangers. Tasked with mapping the realms, exploring the unknown and sharing knowledge to allow safe passage between worlds.

  • 1314

    Akan Realm

    Mid way through the Exploration Era, a band of unanmed Acurans discovered a realm originally thought to be empty but eventually discovered the existence of an extinct race who called themselves Akan. In their ancient texts it is believed they also had access to magical abilities via crystals scattered across the realm.

    More reading
    The Book of Akan
  • 1356

    Oralyn Founding

    A collection of close villages that has slowly been growing in population agree to settle under one ruler giving the area the title of city. This new city is named Oralyn in honour of previous leaders including Ortartha and Remnalynn.

  • 1375


    Captain Hoarwae

    Hoarwae the sorcerer was not fascinated by the other worlds and realms like his counterparts. Instead he set out to explore all that he could on Violem. So he put together a crew and set sail in search of new lands. Years later he returned with the dicovery of two new continents and several large islands.

  • 1395

    Ascor Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    Once the two continents of Cytal and Ascor were aware of each others existence, an alliance was formed and signed by several cities and kingdoms to allow trade and safe passage between locations.

  • 1442

    Creation of the Ivory Champions
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After centuries of searching, the followers of Neroc finally found the location of the original Necronomicon in Birohhal and attempted to charge the city with an army of the undead. The city was saved by a collection of heroes and adventurers who would become known as the Ivory Champions.

  • 1484


    Serpent War
    Military: War

    For 5 years, the Ivory Champions slowly uncover a plot by a nefarious cult obsessed with wiping the realm of magic of Sorcerer and Minauran. Prepping it to become the new home world of the serpents, led by Salamar.

  • 1488

    Birth of Marubell
    Life, Birth

    After a battle between The Ivory Champions and the Basilisk serpent, the petrified victims of the giant snake are healed giving birth to a new race known as living statues aka Marubell.

  • 1561

    Shadow Realm
    Life, Death

    The heroes Gizan & Bibbara find themselves in unfortunate circumstances when they fail to stop Necromancers from opening a portal to a realm of creatures made of pure darkness. They valiantly stop the Necromancers and the dark forces trying to retrun with them to Violem. In an act of self sacrifice, Gizan closed the portal. Saving his partner Bibbara who warns the Realm Rangers and other explorers from the Shadow Realm.

  • 1561


    Alum Migration
    Life, Relocation

    A large number of the Alum and Alum sub species across Cytal and Ascor left the realm of magic in order to live on worlds where they are surrounded by the elements they have an affinity with. This led Sorcerers to be the most common species in the realm.

  • 1643

    Fine Dining 1st Menu
    Gathering / Conference

    After being stranded on a deserted island in the Untouched Lands the survivors are having trouble adjusting to normal life. As such they have created a club house where they can all share their new aquired tastes.

  • 1676


    Acuran Madness
    Plague / Epidemic

    A strange and mysterious disease slowly turned the most powerful magic users insane. Causing damage across not just Violem, but the realms they had discovered as well. The disease led to the death of most Acuran in Violem, with no cure ever being found.

  • 1699

    Ascor Cutoff
    Political event

    With an increasing amount of damage and destruction being caused to the kingdoms of Ascor by Acurans suffering a disease of madness, the kingdoms couldn't keep their own people fed and safe. In order to combat this, they cut off ties with the continent of Cytal to regain control of their lands. Meaning no trade with the continent and travel between the two made significantly harder.

  • 1700

    Portal Ban
    Diplomatic action

    After the devestation caused by the Acuran disease across the land. Rulers of kingdoms, regions and cities came together to make the travel to other realms illegal. Something punished with lifetime imprisonment if caught. This led to many stranded in other realms unable to return back to Violem or fast travel between the major cities and kingdoms. Resorting to more traditional means of travel like sailing and waystones.

Dark Time

1701 1900

  • 1709

    Sianwood Origins
    Construction beginning/end

    After the cutoff of supplies from places such as Ascor and various realms, the continent is struggling to feed its people. So a new city dedicated to farming was constructed before riots began across the land.

  • 1721

    Last Acuran
    Life, Death

    Over the years, the power and presence of Acuran has dwindled. To the point where they seem more like myths than ancestors. The last known sighting of an Acuran was by a guard in the town of Ferrelwood, who describes the events of an old woman saving the town from a creature hidden in the reflections of mirrors.

    More reading
    The Last Acuran
  • 1753

    Cult of Chaos
    Criminal Activity

    After a group of Necromancers stumbled into an unknown realm, they became slaves to an ancient being known as Archaos. He sent them back into the realm of Violem, using them as puppets to break him free of his prison. Giving birth to the Cult of Chaos.

  • 1765

    Yroh Wood
    Construction beginning/end

    With an increased number of monster sightings and skirmishes taking place surrounding the Great Forest in the West, the tired warriors and guards discover the ruins of Cynnaghor and rebuild the ancient city as a fortress against evils.

    Yroh Wood
  • 1778

    Burning of Pherres
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Pherres, home of earth and nature burnt to the ground by a heated battle between the city and invaders from the sky. The identity of the invaders is unknown but whispers throughout time suggest they were searching for something hidden within the city. The remains of the city can be found in the ash plains, along with various remnants of powerful magic and metallic debris.

  • 1809


    Minauran Slaughter
    Military: War

    Throughout most of history, Minaurans were seen as the lowest class in society due to their lack of magical capabilities. With some not associating themselves with them at all. This was true of the Prince of Prassan, who overthrew his father, King of Prassan, and declared war on Minaruans.   This led to a slow plot to lure as many Minaurans to the city of Prassan before being slaughterd in the massses. Many fled to the nearby city of Entello which called war on Prassan for their hate crimes. Sadly this conflict didn't last long as Entello was destroyed in a great fire which burnt down the entire city within a single night.   The slaighter led to many Minauran to flee and hide anywhere they could. Eventually finding calling their camps of refuge home in the form of Uwoll. The war carried on with other cities like Drovvin & Fi-Ha pushing back Prassan, but the damage was already done. A large percentage of the Minauran population were killed, burnt or tortured by the Prince of Prassan. Leaving behind a small population fearful of all around them.

  • 1812

    Crellan Creed Uprising
    Life, Organisation Association

    The Craters of Crellan were becoming an area of the land that was in chaos and disarray. So the Crellan Creed took the opportunity to launch a campaign to expand their power and control over the area. Over the course of several years, the group were able to conquer a vast majority of the craters barre the exception of cities like Uwoll and Norpelda.

  • 1812

    Walls of Uwoll
    Construction beginning/end

    After the Minauran slaughter, many refugees fled and eventually settled in overpopulated villages on the edge of the Craters of Crellan. It is here that they decided to create a city of their own, without the influence of magic. Thus build a wall around the villages and used some sort of anti magic barrier to ward off outsiders. The land inside the walls would later be given the name Uwoll.

  • 1866

    Fall of Maerah
    Disaster / Destruction

    This city was one of the largest early settlements of the Acuran, a noble & prosperous city before it was destroyed. The reason for its destruction is shrouded in a cloud of mystery & any evidence is surely lost to time.

  • 1893


    Cytal Civil War
    Military: War

    The Cult of Chaos seeded the start of a curse so powerful it caused distrust, anger and violence amongst the people of Cytal, leading into a war lasting seven years. It wasn't until Oharius created The 12 Commanders putting a stop to the evil plans and conquering the land with the promise of peace and a new age.

New Age

1901 2030

  • 1901

    New Capital
    Construction beginning/end

    One of the first decrees of the new age of peace is to erect several new cities to in honour of the The 12 Commanders. Th first and designated capital of Cytal is the city of Ohar.

  • 1901

    Cytal City Alliance Guard

    With new cities being built in honour of The 12 Commanders and a new age of peace. A new police force was introduced and introduced to each city to symbolize a form of unity. The Alliance Guard were initially made up of the soldiers and veterans who fought during the civil war.