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Bard Island

Bard Island, is a small island off the northeastern coast of Evermist. It is here, that nations send their best bards to the island to train and master their craft. The island is primarily controlled by three different colleges, those being Mardiman College, Brandeibart College, and Eleskul College. These three colleges are in constant rivalry with one another, and fight for funding coming from the mainland. Bard Island is also home to diverse wildlife, not seen anywhere else on Wold, as well as quite farmers, lumberjacks and fishermen further north of the island, that make their living trading with the colleges for their resources.  

Mardiman College

Despite its rather human name, Mardiman college had been founded by a group of prosperous and prestigious elves. These elves would create their college on the southwest coast of the island. They claimed rather comparatively small pieces of land than the other colleges. The campus is described as a mix of a wild jungle and buildings, with students riding to class on large, mobile creatures only native to Evermist. The college offers special powers to those that attend, such as the mastery to control nature and weather through song.  

Brandeibart College

The largest of the three colleges, this college was founded by humans, and settled on a great southern gulf of the island. The college was founded second, after Mardiman College. The population of Brandeibart college would soon explode, and grow its territory over time. With access to both pristine beaches, lakes, and forests, the college is described as idyllic. Brandeibart college offers excellence in music production, as well as making their own personal instruments, and has the best connections with famous clients.  

Eleskul College

Eleskul College was settled by a mixture of races, including humans, dwarves, Orks, and M'n'aian creatures. The college extends into the nearby mountain range. The campus extends far into the sky, and offers gorgeous views of the island. The college was settled in a small, southeastern island, away from the other colleges. Eleskul College offers the arts of wind tuning, meditation playing, and even reality warping music.


Bard Island has a complex and jagged shape, causing great gulfs to appear on the shoreline of the island. The island also has a numerous amount of beaches along its southern coast. However, as the shoreline moves north, more jagged rocky coast lines are found. The southern portion of Bard Island is far more spacious and pleasant compared to the northern part of the island. With beautiful shores and lakes, as well as fertile and spacious ground, most settlers move to the south of the island, while the north, is a hill riddled and forest filled land, only useful for resources. What is the most notable feature of the island however, is the great Mount Berruew. This peak is the highest point on the island, and strange noises have been heard around the mountain.  

Eleskul Island

Eleskul Island, is a small island off the southeast coast of Bard Island. It is considered apart of Bard Island territory. The Eleskul College is perhaps the most notable part of the island, with its impressive architecture. A third of the island is covered in idyllic beaches, and the northern half being that of hills and small mountains.   

Surrounding Isles

The few surrounding isles around Bard Island, include; Syntrem Island, far to the northwest, Grouhn Island just off the western coast of the island, and the Pilpelgo Islands to the northeast. All of these islands aside from Syntrem island are inhabited by bards and used for varying purposes, however, the elusive Syntrem Island remains unclaimed.


Originally first settled as a small fishing settlement, Bard Island was first called a long forgotten name, but would later transform into the music filled island it is in present day. The bards of Archtun found solace and  peace within this small island off the coast of Evermist, and many decided to stay, performing great shows for the local populace. Word quickly spread across the land of the new haven for bards to practice their music away from the hassle of the mainland, and many would migrate there. Overtime, the bard population would continue to grow across the island, until three prestigious families would own most of the land on the island, those being The Mardimans, The Brandeibarts, and The Eleskuls. These families would later go on to create the three rivaling colleges known today, each vying for funds from the mainland.
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