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Adventures in Old Salt

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The
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Supporting Cast
  • Amir Sharif
    Amir is a battle tested fighter, with a new found ability to draw magic from the Kraken. Always ready to follow the lead of those he trusts, Amir confidentially backs up his sister in whatever they are doing.
  • Antonio the Jeweler
    Antonio is always looking out to make a good deal for himself. He knows his client base well, and tends to use any bit of leverage he has to make his jewels go for as much as possible.
  • Captain Timurack Ogdon
    Timurack Ogdon is a levelheaded captain, who leads the Dormant Storm as a strategic leader. He is very generous with his crew, and seeks little reward for himself. Although he has a passion for discovering long lost information found all throughout Old Salt, his burning hatred for the Anorian Empire trumps many of his other feelings.
  • Cesc Luvar
    Cesc is the loud and rambunctious quartermaster for the Asterion. He has a keen sense for the tools for the job, and he can always be found with his trusty Blunderbuss at his side.
  • Chauncy Melobar
    Chauncy is a creative inventor, and prideful engineer. He has run the Steam Works in Prospice since their creation, and takes much of the credit for the towns growth.
  • Draksis Onavath
    Draksis is a seasoned artillery commander, and a confident pirate. He loves the thrill of a good battle, especially because he knows he will always come out on top.
  • Farrah Sharif
    Farrah is a thief with a deft touch, but is not out of place when things become dangerous. She is bold when her brother is at her side, as they work best in a team. With her new found powers, she is eager to build her own renown .
  • Folomon Farthanna
    Folomon Farthanna is a commander in the Imperial Navy, serving in Old Salt for the entirety of his senior officership. Suited to the open seas, he has made a name for himself as an excellent naval strategist.
  • Grand Captain Crick
    Crick became the captain of the Eagles Armada through daring stunts of bravery and well maintained alliances with powerful friends. He seeks to keep Old Salt free to those who wish to remain unbound by the authority of nations such as the Empire.
  • Grung Skullblade
    Grung is what many foreigners imagine when they think of pirates. He enjoys drinking and fighting, but he is dedicated to the pirate cause.
  • Rush
    Rush is a daring swashbuckler who throws himself into whatever battle Bakus gets him into. His inner fire helps him excelle in the heat of the moment.
  • Sky
    He comes from the Gunnison Plains up near Ku-Dova. The geothermal energy of the Blood Peak Mountains infused his Air Genasi nature with a fiery heart and his family sent him away to Roland to learn how to control himself. He learned from Gideon in the University of Contention how to control this energy, but along with his friend Raiden he helped him learn how he could infused some of his destructive energy into his infusions.
  • Syder's Web
    Syder is a hedonist at heart, and he runs his ship as such. A flotilla of debauchery and gossip, he loves to be in the know about anything that is happening in Old Salt.
  • Viss Pelgar
    Viss is the diviner for the Fortune's Path, and is a trusted advisor to Bakus. He has been steadfast and loyal to both his people and his crew mates which has earned him respect among mnay of the pirates of Old Salt.
  • Xarris Starseer
    Xarris is a devout cleric of Dogmir, and runs the altar to the Cosmic Keeper in the Observatory. He is well known among the members of Fortune's Path for being willing to drag them back from death's' doorstep.
  • Zekk Zaminkas
    Zekk is the head of the Dragon Scales, and Bakus' strategist while out in the field. He is known for his reserved nature when not on the battlefield, but his aggressive and decisive attitude in the heat of a fight.

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