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Mon 29th Jul 2024 03:29

28/07/24 - Session 46

by Ruin

Found the gang stealing from street performers in record time and people have been so impressed with how fast we get things done. As they should be. We don’t just sit around and talk about it unlike some people.
A paragraph on Janatimo has been scribbled through angrily.
ANYWAY. Knocked one robber out, nearly got another but then Cualli got clubbed unconscious so I had to get serious. Killed the next and Malnar did some fiddling with locks but by the time we got through the door the leader of the group had already been killed by someone else. Neat work too: through the spine to paralyse, across the face to disorient, limbs removed, and a partial decapitation. Professional. I was kind of impressed. Hopefully the elf we took alive will be able to tell us what the fuck is going on and if it’s really the work of that frog gang.
It’s becoming clear to me though that I need to get even stronger if I’m ever going to reach that dragon, never mind defeat it. And maybe the school isn’t doing enough for me at the moment. They’re keen to encourage diplomatic solutions and “personal development” which I get but I could be more likely to find the strength I’m looking for with other groups if they can pull something like today off.

The druids said there was a right way of doing things though and I don’t want to lose what I have. So maybe it’s not worth it. We did find a lot of gold this time which might help and maybe this fancy party will actually do something too. Although I don’t trust the gleam in Illiara’s eyes when she heard about it.
Whatever. I have more important things to think about than fancy clothes.

Ruin's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. 03/07/22 - Session 1
    04 Jul 2022 09:19:01
  2. 10/07/22 - Session 2
    11 Jul 2022 09:02:52
  3. 17/07/22 - Session 3
    26 Jul 2022 09:39:00
  4. 24/07/22 - Session 4
    26 Jul 2022 09:39:17
  5. 07/08/22 - Session 5
    08 Aug 2022 11:06:42
  6. 21/08/22 - Session 7
    22 Aug 2022 02:24:53
  7. 04/09/22 - Session 8
    05 Sep 2022 10:26:19
  8. 18/09/22 - Session 9
    20 Sep 2022 10:42:38
  9. 02/10/22 - Session 10
    15 Oct 2022 07:41:22
  10. 09/10/22 - Session 11
    15 Oct 2022 07:41:47
  11. 16/10/22 - Session 12
    17 Oct 2022 12:12:37
  12. 23/10/22 - Session 13
    28 Oct 2022 02:34:43
  13. 06/11/22 - Session 14
    07 Nov 2022 12:02:14
  14. 20/11/22 - Session 15
    21 Nov 2022 12:15:55
  15. 04/12/22 - Session 16
    05 Dec 2022 11:11:24
  16. 11/12/22 - Session 17
    02 Jan 2023 03:06:34
  17. 22/01/23 - Session 18
    27 Jan 2023 11:03:03
  18. 29/01, 05/02, 12/02 - Sessions 19, 20, 21
    14 Feb 2023 01:14:44
  19. 05/03/23 – Session 23
    13 Mar 2023 05:44:13
  20. 02/04/23 - Session 24
    05 Apr 2023 11:50:59
  21. 09/07/23 - Session 26
    09 Jul 2023 10:43:47
  22. 27/08/23 – Session 28
    28 Aug 2023 12:07:22
  23. 03/09/23 - Session 29
    04 Sep 2023 04:16:37
  24. 28/01/24 - Session 32
    31 Jan 2024 11:37:07
  25. 25/02/24 - Session 34
    27 Feb 2024 04:43:37
  26. 24/03/24 - Session 37
    25 Mar 2024 11:50:35
  27. 07/04/24 - Session 39
    08 Apr 2024 11:55:16
  28. 28/04/24 - Session 40
    05 May 2024 05:36:41
  29. 05/05/24 - Session 41
    10 May 2024 10:07:12
  30. 19/05/24 - Session 42
    20 May 2024 03:01:20
  31. 26/05/24 - Session 43
    29 May 2024 03:10:17
  32. 02/06/24 - Session 44
    03 Jun 2024 11:23:26
  33. 28/07/24 - Session 46
    29 Jul 2024 03:29:01

The major events and journals in Ruin's history, from the beginning to today.

28/07/24 - Session 46

Found the gang stealing from street performers in record time and people have been so impressed with how fast we get things done. As they should be. We don’t just sit around and talk about it unlike some people. [i]A paragraph on Janatimo has been sc...

03:35 pm - 29.07.2024

28/07/24 - Session 46

Found the gang stealing from street performers in record time and people have been so impressed with how fast we get things done. As they should be. We don’t just sit around and talk about it unlike some people. [i]A paragraph on Janatimo has been sc...

03:35 pm - 29.07.2024

28/07/24 - Session 46

Found the gang stealing from street performers in record time and people have been so impressed with how fast we get things done. As they should be. We don’t just sit around and talk about it unlike some people. [i]A paragraph on Janatimo has been sc...

03:31 pm - 29.07.2024

02/06/24 - Session 44

Remember: ask Ignasi where he got that hangover potion from because it’s been very useful so far and I’m going to need more of it in the future. Took Chizire out drinking with the Chime Ringers to cheer him up and it worked. At leasat, his mood was de...

11:25 am - 03.06.2024

26/05/24 - Session 43

Nearly single handedly propped up a whole house so the others could do some fancy magic and repair the bank under it today. It was that pottery shop we visited before with the chime ringer, apparently Wet passed on a message to Cualli. We’re really star...

03:12 pm - 29.05.2024

19/05/24 - Session 42

new friends drink huuuge keg stories uhhhhhhhhhh the one that got away fish? secret, don’t tell anyone don’t tell songs! run and wave blade blood wet down the trail of dancing bone like root to the place where death is m...

03:02 pm - 20.05.2024

05/05/24 - Session 41

I keep getting distracted. We're investigating a weird powder used in making potions that might make it blow up, or become "ert" or something. I don't know. Malnar seemed to have it all under control, messing around with his little tools but it was har...

10:33 am - 10.05.2024

05/05/24 - Session 41

I keep getting distracted. We're investigating a weird powder used in making potions that might make it blow up, or become "ert" or something. I don't know. Malnar seemed to have it all under control, messing around with his little tools but it was har...

10:27 am - 10.05.2024

28/04/24 - Session 40

Not a lot has been happening over the last couple of weeks, not since that last big fight. Didn’t have to draw my sword once so it must be pretty thirsty by now. Prodded the others into doing some research into the snake people – they’re not bein...

05:38 pm - 05.05.2024

29/01, 05/02, 12/02 - Sessions 19, 20, 21

I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight. The day started off pretty good. We had a ton of breakfast and were assigned a stretch of tunnels to examine while the teachers stayed safe on the surface. Co-ord-in-a-ting they said. Suited me. Ulawa said our ...

10:56 pm - 13.02.2023

22/01/23 - Session 18

Finished my mask. It looks good, more intimidating than a lot of the others. I mean really. Cats, foxes, rabbits? I keep staring at the light on Illiara's though. The ceremony took such a long time to get through everybody, I was getting restless sitt...

11:03 am - 27.01.2023

11/12/22 - Session 17

I forgot I was writing in this. It's been a busy couple of months. Talking to people in the city was getting me nowhere, either nobody knows anything about tunnels or snakes or ghosts or they don't want to tell me about it. Except for Malnar, who just kee...

03:06 pm - 02.01.2023

Session 16: A Little Wet Behind the Ears

09:04 pm - 11.12.2022

04/12/22 - Session 16

Tournament was fun. Kind of a clusterfuck. We only came second but it's not like our victory had been decisive in any way so I guess I can accept that. I carved those leafy constructs up pretty badly before one managed to knock me out, it must have wanted...

11:11 am - 05.12.2022

Session 16: A Little Wet Behind the Ears

08:13 pm - 04.12.2022

20/11/22 - Session 15

I had a dream. I remember all of it for once. No fire, so it must be like the other one, the one at the ruins with the upside-dow rain. More of an omen than a memory. There were a bunch of blobs I couldn’t recognise and they wouldn’t be intimida...

11:59 am - 21.11.2022

06/11/22 - Session 14

[i]With friends.[/i] That's what Illiara called the group when I woke up. Is that what we are? I don't know what friends are supposed to do, never needed any. I guess they patch each other up. She and Malnar had ended up taking some damage for once, pe...

12:02 pm - 07.11.2022

Session 13: A Leshy Construct Saleswoman and a Librarian Walk into a Bar

08:13 pm - 06.11.2022

23/10/22 - Session 13

Being a teacher seems easy. You stand around talking about stuff you know for a few hours a day and get the students to find things or research for you. Why bother cleaning up the bugs from campus when it could be a ‘learning experience’ for others. I...

02:34 pm - 28.10.2022

Session 13: A Leshy Construct Saleswoman and a Librarian Walk into a Bar

07:28 pm - 23.10.2022

Session 12: Bug Hunt

07:11 pm - 23.10.2022

16/10/22 - Session 12

Teacher Ot suggested keeping a journal to help practice writing and shit. So here we are. Druids made me do the same thing years ago but I think that was mostly for meditation reasons. Don't think it helped much. I don't know what happened to the paper...

12:12 pm - 17.10.2022

Session 12: Bug Hunt

07:22 pm - 16.10.2022

09/10/22 - Session 11

I O U one death...

07:41 pm - 15.10.2022

Session 10: On the Ball

08:21 pm - 09.10.2022

02/09/22 - Session 10

Ot, This is Ruin. I wanted to say thanks for your assistance earlier. I can’t promise I’ll make the oathday class because I’m real busy but since you were helpful with Ulawa I’ll try. On a completely different unrelated note, I wanted to know i...

09:26 pm - 04.10.2022

Session 10: On the Ball

09:43 pm - 02.10.2022

Session 4: Ummm, Things Are Looking Grem!

06:32 pm - 02.10.2022

18/09/22 - Session 9

Elora, The people here have drinks that let you breathe fire!!!! Why doesn't the Order of Flames have these???? It would have been so much more interesting to listen to Tariku if he'd been taking a sip of this occasionally. I'm going to buy ten and see...

10:42 am - 20.09.2022

04/09/22 - Session 8

[i]Sounds of hacking fruit off trees more vigorously than strictly necessary. Ruin is talking to herself in a high pitched, mocking tone.[/i] "Oh Ruin, I don't know how you survived on your own for so long, you must be really strong but, you know, it's...

10:26 am - 05.09.2022

21/08/22 - Session 7

Jatia The school are making me write this as an apology for what happened last night. They say smashing your door in wasn’t a ‘proportional response’ to your actions, whatever that means. I still say you deserve it. You shouldn’t take other peo...

02:24 pm - 22.08.2022

Serious replies only

10:12 am - 15.08.2022

07/08/22 - Session 5

Sweat Blood Pain Burning Melting Skin shrinking Can't breathe Contorting Fire Teeth Burning Ash Ruin ... I had a fever. The sickest I've been since you got me to try that blue dragonfly poison. This one was caused by mushroom spores, part o...

11:06 am - 08.08.2022

24/07/22 - Session 4

[i]A crudely drawn circle surrounded by sigils has been scribbled onto a spare sheet of paper. It has the general appearance of warding magic but none of the details are correct. Underneath is scrawled:[/i] Being a ghost is embarrassing enough but nobo...

09:37 pm - 26.07.2022

Session 4: Ummm, Things Are Looking Grem!

08:06 pm - 24.07.2022

Session 3: Getting some Skein in the Game!

07:48 am - 20.07.2022

17/07/22 - Session 3

Elora, NOT FOR TARIKU, DON’T READ YOUR DAUGHTER’S LETTERS Elora, I’m used to the more direct approach - you know my usual line and how well that works ; ) ... how do you know when someone is flirting in a not blunt way? Someone gave me ...

12:02 am - 18.07.2022

Session 3: Getting some Skein in the Game!

08:05 pm - 17.07.2022

Session 2: InSpiring!

03:22 pm - 11.07.2022

10/07/22 - Session 2

Ruin’s Reminders Everywhere I go there are more rules. [b]Don’t:[/b] Fight outside the sparring ring (optional) Cast magic with intent to harm (what are lights going to do) Cheat on exams (who cares?) Throw, poison or prank the food (V...

09:00 am - 11.07.2022

Session 2: InSpiring!

02:12 am - 11.07.2022

03/07/22 - Session 1

Tariku, I don’t want to hear anything about my handwriting, I know you can read this. I did have time to have fun first, I got drunk in an inn outside Nantambu for a couple of days but I arrived at the school with minutes to spare. So there. Yo...

09:19 am - 04.07.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Ruin.

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