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Neutral Evil Gem Dragonborn (Crystal Hermit)
Barbarian 6
63 / 63 HP

A scaleless Dragonborn that dreams of becoming a full fledged dragon. Through experimentation he has acquired crystal scales.

Tue 11th Apr 2023 07:05

Entry Fourteen

by Vash

Crossing the bridge was a quite the challenge simply in the structure of the thing itself. It was many kilometres long, taking us at least an hour to cross. Not to mention it stretches across a deep darkness with its supports descending into that dark chasm. Then comes the fact that the bridge was just barely wider than the cart, leaving us constantly on edge as the cart is just inches from falling at all times.
Then there was the shadow creature. It stalked us unseen for who knows how long and only attacked in a moment of weakness when Sunny almost fell from the cart. A barbed tail struck her from the back, downing her in an instant before she was pulled back up. Before I could get back up that ‘Kenku’ Swindles had tied a rope to the cart and jumped off the bridge to attack it, I didn’t see much of that as Jake was about to feed Sunny the most revolting healing potion I’d ever seen. I could smell it with my eyes and almost threw up just from that, but I powered through and gave Sunny some actual healing to bring her back up. By this time Swindles had climbed back up the rope, but I wasn’t just going to wait for the shadow beast to attack again (It had already used its tail on me a few times) so I followed the birds example and jumped off the bridge, allowing my new flight to keep me aloft as I came face to face with a Shadow Wyvern.

  • Flew off bridge and dragged the shadow wyvern into the light

  • Duok got final blow after I godzilla blasted it

  • Leaning tower has portrait of woman, a green lush garden being depcited around her. Seems to have come from the garden dream, but more vibrant. A multicoloured tree in the back and vegetation is most detailed around tree.

  • Duok found a funky well, in its chamber is a large stained mural with five humanoids having a argument in a dark chamber with red light behind them, a smaller figure with two beady red eyes staring at them.

  • A human, a dwarf, an elf, and two gnomes, look ravished and exhausted.

  • -- Dwarf: Saying mught be secret tunnel with food
    -- Younger gnome + human wants to wait out the things trying to kill them

    Vash's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

    1. Entry One
      21 May 2022 09:22:48
    2. Entry Two
      21 May 2022 09:44:49
    3. Entry Three
      02 Jul 2022 12:35:35
    4. Entry Four
      20 Jul 2022 09:34:01
    5. Entry Five
      09 Aug 2022 10:02:24
    6. Entry Six
      10 Nov 2022 01:58:57
    7. Entry Seven
      10 Nov 2022 02:12:49
    8. Entry Eight
      10 Nov 2022 04:33:20
    9. Entry Nine
      12 Dec 2022 10:37:41
    10. Entry Ten
      22 Jan 2023 08:02:28
    11. Entry Eleven
      07 Feb 2023 05:41:13
    12. Entry Twelve
      07 Feb 2023 06:08:53
    13. Entry Thirteen
      13 Mar 2023 06:36:10
    14. Entry Fourteen
      11 Apr 2023 07:05:19

    The major events and journals in Vash's history, from the beginning to today.

    Entry Twelve

    - 65 gp duok paid for food - Tree is uber creepy, fills people with feeling of fear and curiosity - People have dreams of trees flourishing - Man named Vikaris wants to make deal with one of the three factions - First light has bad things going on the...

    06:07 am - 07.02.2023

    Entry Eleven

    - Made my wish: I wish to know where in the Iron Guard I will find knowledge on how to become a true dragon - Two places I can become one, in the halls of thorn point a madman that experiments with life, master of flesh and bone - Faith and fate of othe...

    08:35 am - 22.01.2023

    Entry Ten

    - TownHall base is in a bit of disrepair, needs a bit of time to fix it up - I FLIEEEEED - Caelan makes wish for dragon buddy to be more powerful, gets half scaled. Name may be Loriel - Black metal coins with silver rim, symbol in middle that glows gre...

    06:58 am - 22.01.2023

    Entry Nine

    It was worse than I thought, the now on fire ghost (or elemental I suppose) was deadly. It was exactly like a bonfire was trying to kill us, the damn thing only needed to move through us to light us aflame, not to mention I could barely hurt it, as it was...

    10:37 pm - 12.12.2022

    Entry Eight

    - Need few days of coal, - Duok heads into mines alone at first to retrieve gas masks - Mine is all ashy - Waited outside mine for like half an hour as others retrieved gas masks - Eventually head in after Sunny's curiosity overwhelms her - In root ...

    04:32 am - 10.11.2022

    Entry Seven

    Light turns red - Lights in the sky, doing stuff to us each turn - Fight Aster and two mage shadows - I get feared first round, throw hammer at him - Get hideous laughtered next turn - Stars go crazy and aster turns into a demon - Blast him with ra...

    02:12 am - 10.11.2022

    Entry Six

    The journey to Millstone has begun and its has not been a very... pleasant beginning. The cart triggered a mine on the first day, losing us some more supplies and extending our journey by at least half a day. Supposedly the first night was just as bad, so...

    07:05 am - 02.10.2022

    Entry Five

    The finale of the fight club was... for lack of better words [i]magnificent[/i]. The bout between that Chaum and Dyon was one of pure skill, none of the simple brute strength I bring to bear, just skill to attack and take hits until eventually a victor wa...

    10:02 am - 09.08.2022

    Entry Four

    After the successful visit to that old dwarf there was a rather surprising bell and cacophony that drew our attention. Of course it turns out it was just Seven performing his 'justice', handing the last remaining horse gang member a gun and engaging in a ...

    04:57 am - 20.07.2022

    Entry Three

    Ending of the second day in first light was simple enough, nothing truly exciting after that fight with the horse gang, Just ferrying the surviving idiots into the cells (Sunny even asked Seven to [i]spare[/i] them, she's hilarious) and wrapping up the fi...

    12:35 pm - 02.07.2022

    Entry 2

    It's the second day of being back in First Light and its just as bad as when I last left it, if not worse thanks to that black horse bunch. The day starts off as expected, accept Seven's offer to be the new guards of first light (and the only guards now),...

    09:44 am - 21.05.2022

    Entry One

    This day was quite the eventful one, first my carriage passes by what looks to be an entire caravan of First Light guards delivering the latest shipment, then upon arrival Seven graciously invites me into his office. He just has me stand around, barely ex...

    07:24 am - 11.03.2022

    The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vash.