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Sun 22nd Jan 2023 08:02

Entry Ten

by Vash

I had a dream the night after the fire elemental, one that felt so real, that felt like it was straight out of her memories. I was flying on her wings of dazzling silver, high above in the skies, free of Iron Guard, free of fate and the worries of life. Then, I looked again and my wings were not of Voaperth's dazzling silver, but my own shining crystal. Great crystal wings that gleamed under the light of the sun, it was beautiful, my own wings were so wondrous, yet they were fleeting and the curse that is reality intruded upon me once more. Yet that dream still stuck with me, still filled my mind. It was tough to focus on anything, so I merely followed what the rest were doing and helped in cleaning the Town Hall we were given. Then something changed, I had begun to fly.
I don't know how, but my body has changed again, just like my crystal claws, I have become able to grow wings of crystal. They grant me a flight unlike any I've ever observed, no motion is required from my wings, they simply lift me and move me, regardles of my position.
Needless to say, I grew enraptured by this flight, I flew high into the sky of Iron Guard, basking in this wondrous freedom that is flight. Yet this freedom is brief, after only a minute my wings shatter and I am once more bound by gravity. I learnt this the hard way. Even so, regardless of such a limitation, the simple possibility has reinvigorated me! I felt as if I was seeing her again. I began the effort of transcribing all I remember from the caves and intend to begin my research anew. I will become a dragon, I am closer than ever.
Also, some time during all that Caelann made a foolish wish on the genie and gave his dragon more control over his body. If I didn't hate the sight of his face now, I'd be laughing.
Also also, I noticed an animal had gotten some of my crystals, rather strange, I hope nothing bad comes of it.
And in during the week Sunny apparently turned her imaginary friend into a far less imaginary robot, quite strange honestly. Apparently its name is Three and it came to be from the newbirth project. I had thought that was a myth...
In other news, we chose to turn our property into a bar called the Drunken Fist. It took us about seven days to actually build the thing, but I feel we did a good job. It's something that will earn us funds and help keep tabs on those around us. It will be of use. But what I cannot stand is that we have to actually work there, and whilst I intended to remain as security, we are so understaffed that I was forced to wait tables. AND I HATE IT! I HATE IT SO MUCH!
Regardless, the money makes it worthwhile and it is only one night, What kept me going was a simple thought, that I would make my wish on that genie tomorrow. I'm sure I will receive answers.