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Thu 10th Nov 2022 04:33

Entry Eight

by Vash

The less I have to say about the damn mine the better. In the simplest words I can use, it was miserable in their. It didn't start that bad, we sent Duok in to retrieve some masks since apparently the tortle is very good at holding his breath. This goes for a bit as we get more masks and send more of us in, I only end up going in after Sunny's curiosity gets the best of her. Unsurprisingly it's dark, though there are some areas still properly lit up with some of Sevens tech and apparently the others found some unique items, a flower and a crystal.
Regardless, eventually they need me to push some boulder so I mask up with Deon (The masks were not designed for dragonborn) and head into a side passage with only a small light. Not too bad, just a bit tight, then I get to the boulder and push it aside to reveal a small room with two zombies or something. I don't remember, the shadows started to appear and I... well me and Deon panicked, she dragged me straight out of that passage and we got the hell out of that damn mine. Sunny did too, though I'm not too sure why...
Anyways, there was no way I, Sunny, or Deon were headed back in there so we left it up to the other guys to finish up getting the coal whilst Deon brought out the tumbleweed. Now that stuff is good practically forgot about the whole mine thing and just got to enjoy some nice relaxation.
That is until Sunny started to worry about the guys in the mine so we all got up (with great difficulty, apparently tumbleweed makes you tumble) and headed back in there. Unfortunately Sunny was right and the others were being attacked by some ghost. Things got panicked, they were hurt, we dragged them back to safety, then Sunny blew up the gas. I think I might have gotten sunburnt from the explosion.
Of course, the ghost didn't die to this, no it was just set on fire and doesn't even seemed damaged.