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Sat 21st May 2022 09:44

Entry Two

by Vash

It's the second day of being back in First Light and its just as bad as when I last left it, if not worse thanks to that black horse bunch. The day starts off as expected, accept Seven's offer to be the new guards of first light (and the only guards now), then join up with Caelans group to investigate just what is up with that black horse drink.
Investigation started off slow as we looked for some lizard named scales, it takes a while and some idiot insults me in the process. But we get the bastard and make him spill all he knows about the poisonous drink. Turns out however that only the ones with the black horse tattoo know anything about it, and are apparently some sort of gang. (Who the hell names themselves scales? Are they trying to brag about that which they take for granted? ARE THEY MOCKING ME!? I wish I could use such a name).
Well with the information we head straight to the brewery, demand an audience with their boss and empty the building of those that might get in the way. Their boss takes us into the backroom witch has any evidence we may be looking for, of course they had hidden or destroyed anything we might find and seemed so damn smug about it, like they knew we would never find it and thout they were sooo smart for out thinking us when it WAS OBVIOUS WHAT THEY HAD DONE! Regardless one of the others discovers their secret room so they idiots try to silence us.
They fail. The weaklings no match for my claws of crystal and unable to even strike me. Of course the idiot Caelan fucks up somehow and kills the boss, the woman who would have known everything we needed to know. Can't be too mad though, he got his commeuppance from one of the Golems, I even granted him some of Her gift so i could watch Sunny berate him sooner. Fun times.
Fortunately one of the black horse members was still standing (also apparently none of the ones I attacked died, HOW!?!?) and was able to tell us all about the drink they were making, after some forced persuasion of course. Turns out they were trying to make the drink addictive so they could raise the prices and probably take control of First light through it, and even that that apothecary fellow, Gilbert, was linked to them. So we round up they surviving black horse gang members and take em to Seven (as well as a keg of their ale, for use in blackmail and evidence) just in time to see the most recent trade.