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Tue 7th Feb 2023 05:41

Entry Eleven

by Vash

Today has been seven days since my first wish to that genie, I have been forming a new one in this time that is all but foolproof. Unlike Caelann I will not wish for results, I will not ask the genie to make me a dragon. Such a thing is not only risky with how he grants them, but possibly out of his power. No instead I shall wish for knowledge on how I can become one. The wish I have developed is: I wish to know where in the Iron Guard I will find knowledge on how to become a true dragon.
So upon awakening I immediately made my way to the bar where we have placed him, the others were already there by then, but that matters little. It is of more use if they understand my motives to be honest, I've never really enjoyed lying to those I like. So I made my wish before all of them, and what I got from it is better than I expected. Three methods of ascension! I'd have given so much just to get this before, and all it took was making a wish!
The methods the Genie gave me are:
1. Within Thornpoint Castle is a madman that experiments with life, the Master of Flesh and Bone. He may change me to a dragon.
2. At the centre of the shadows is a man that can control the faith and fate of others. He may change my fate to that of a dragons.
3. In the halls of the gallery is an old memory of an old land and king, the first of his kind. He may crown me as a dragon.
Finally, I have true, tangible goals! No longer floundering at mere scraps of knowledge, no more trying to piece together ancient rituals from secondhand knowledge that may not even work. Even better, I have an invitation to thornpoint castle (perhaps the master already knew of my goals?) and my allies seek to escape, of which the gallery is one of our greatest clues towards that. Only the centre of shadows escapes me, although I believe the path to escape will lead us there, even so I am most suspicious of that place, it created that wraith of Aster after all. I'm sure I will make it to these places however, my allies will ensure it.
Curiously however, I have been given a fourth method, as it seems that with his wish Caelanns dragon is capable of assuming control. I know this because the thing chose to conspire with me, she of course seeks to regain her body and believes that I am a preferred vessel for achieving this than Caelann. Thus she offered that when the time comes, we join together and become a dragon as one. It is... tempting. However, I do not trust her kind at all, I know she will betray me in this. But that does not matter, if she is to be my method forward, then it will be I that consumes her. Curiously, one of teh Lord of Flesh and Bone's ravens was listening in, I am not too worried but I think I should keep an eye out for birds in the future.
My wish got us to think on our actions going forwards, as we all want to travel to the gallery, but it is apparently under Queens control and we will need to deal with her if we want peaceful entrance. We discussed the possibility of making a gift for her and the idea of fulfilling her desire for a crown to get on her good side. But any imperfections in the crown will get us killed, and I hardly have any of the necessary materials for a crown worthy of a queen. So it was discarded, I will still make some jewellery to act as a gift however, and the idea of making a crown fit for a queen intrigues me, I believe I will keep an eye out for the right materials and begin making some designs.
Onto other news, a traveling merchant came to town, a grung by the name of Grimble. He sells the usual variety of items, I managed to collect some things to make perfume with, but more importantly he sold useful reagents. Special gems that if I prepare the m correctly will apply a temporary magical effect, I bought the Ocra gem of water-breathing and the Prismatic gem, I am excited about what I can do with them. I have already processed the prismatic gem and gotten four usable gems out of it, I'll embed three in jewellery and keep the last for study. I also used my earnings from the tavern to purchase more general materials for further alchemy and jewellery crafting.
Another event of interest is the visitor we had one night after the tavern closed. He was tall with a wide brimmed hat, incredibly muscular with a thin face, carried a staff with massive bell. His clothes were strange, wore religious looking robes and a had a tapestry acting as a scarf. It turns out, that this man, who introduced himself as the father of Silver, is actually the father. AS in, the incredibly reclusive leader FUCKING LEADER OF SANCTUARY, THAT FUCKING FATHER, and he chooses to visit us to offer some vague help and vaguer words. Of course when he question him further he does the very reasonable thing of brutalising one of our customers and apparently perfectly healing him in the process. Then he just left with no further explanation.
Thats two of the three leaders of Iron Guard that have professed interest in our group, what the actual hell. This is more concerning than it should be.
In better news we hired some employees! Rancor a taciturn Orc chef, Helen Kresten a rather strong looking accountant, A constantly punning tiefling bartender (apparently he was a jester), and a soot covered mute dwarf Coal Blacklung, our waiter who is almost absurdly skilled. I should make him some soap to ensure he stays.