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Mon 13th Mar 2023 06:36

Entry Thirteen

by Vash

Finally we set off from Millstone to the crumbling city, of course some complications occur, Caelann ran off somewhere only leaving behind a note citing his fear of being taken over by that parasite of his. A shame really, I'd managed to get used to him, oh well we can manage without him. Aside from that the only complication was that there are mines scattered through the path out of Millstone and we'll be taking an extra day to avoid them, which goes fine and there are no complications going forwards.
That is until I'm woken up for watch duty by Sunny and told that a Kenku had smuggled itself aboard our carriage, now I know that this can't be true, Kenku don't exist after all, but Sunny is actually somewhat smart and should know that. So I suppose that was just her way of telling me theirs a dead Aarakocra in our cart? Well I checked on it, and it did look like one, it was bird shaped and not moving, so I decided to just deal with it in the morning. Well to my surprise it turns out the thing isn't actually dead! It's moving around and talking, seems that those tales of Aarakocra cursed to never find peace in death are true...
Well it doesn't really matter, the bird tells us it only wants to go to the Crumbling City and will leave us after, so I figure there isn't any harm in letting it tag along, even if Sunny seems to want it gone. The only misgiving I have is in how it replicates the voices of others to speak, even my own... I'll have to deal with that eventually.
Things continue to go smoothly as we travel a few more days, eventually finding another one of those dead trees, for which we take a half day detour to check out. Using the focusing stick on it once again caused it to bloom as well as some bushes that granted us a couple of berries. All seemed good until Duok went and started making a fucking pool, just suddenly flooding the tree and us with water. It almost made the cart sink into it and could have drowned me! I can't swim after all, hell it seemed to be quite difficult for the others too. Things turned out fine, but we were all wet after it and spent the rest of the day there to dry off, I tried my hand at making some alchemists fire but couldn't quite get it done and just hurt my eye. All in all a day that could have gone far better.
We set back off in the next morning and continue forth, eventually finding ourselves at a bridge with a tower on the other end, said bridge is our only method of crossing a giant chasm in a timely fashion. Apparently at on end of said chasm is a crucified giant, and according to the genie it is the result of one of the first wars in Iron Guard and recomends we don't learn more of it. More so there is a sign before the bridge warning us of a dangerous beast, seems the journey won't be as simple as we want.