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Wed 20th Jul 2022 09:34

Entry Four

by Vash

After the successful visit to that old dwarf there was a rather surprising bell and cacophony that drew our attention. Of course it turns out it was just Seven performing his 'justice', handing the last remaining horse gang member a gun and engaging in a showdown with him. Like hell thats justice, its just him using his strength to enforce the law, like some weakling stands a chance against him.
Regardless the fool survived long enough for the golem to arrive and with the completion of our investigations we got our first payment. From there a few days passed in short order, I managed to acquire the staple alchemical ingredients I need, I only need to get the rest of the items crafted, I'll likely have to settle for metal beakers unfortunately. But there was a rather strange occurence, I encountered a very tightlipped and apathetic man, very pale and refused to give me a name, so I'll call him Stuff for now. I found him healing some idiots wounds and after a very uninformative converstaion he made several comments on my condition and the crystals, even mentioned the path I've taken. I swear he knows more than he let on and I await the day I can speak to him again, when I can learn just what he's hiding.
In simpler topics, theres a fight club, one that i'm sure everyone in Ironguard knows of thanks to that orc. That damn loud orc, playing an entire band worth of music throughout the streets constantly and shouting about it. Its organised by Dyon and I agreed to assist her in keeping watch over the... customers.
I even decided to participate myself, I've never been able to participate in one of these and I can always use an opportunity to test my strength, to se how I must grow to achieve my goals. To my surprise it was entertaining, even if I lost my first fight I felt satisfied. It wasn't because I was weak, no, I lost by the barest of margins to that minotaur Takar, I felt truly strong in that fight. I feel I can understand what it means to be strong a little more, just what kind of strength I need to become more.