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Tue 9th Aug 2022 10:02

Entry Five

by Vash

The finale of the fight club was... for lack of better words magnificent. The bout between that Chaum and Dyon was one of pure skill, none of the simple brute strength I bring to bear, just skill to attack and take hits until eventually a victor was declared. It has given me ideas, that rather then rely on strength alone and the beast within, I should adopt a measure of skill, something that can provide a new edge... I will think on this later.
After the fight club however, came something more important. First, apparently that goliaths belt is cursed and he will be coming back for it when it is least defended, we should find something to do about it. But that is not what is important, its the plans of desertion that we made. None of us wished to obey Seven any longer than we needed to, who knows how long it will take for him to cast us aside or command us against our better interests? No, we decided to make haste and leave first light at earliest opportunity to pursue the secrets of Iron Guard instead.
The plan we made is rather simple, yet unfortunately did not involve detonating the brewery as a distraction. For four days we would slowly gather supplies and drop them off at Jakes home, doing our best to not arouse suspicion, and on the final day we would steal a wagon and bring it over, load it with the supplies, and make haste out of First Light. Of course as I am not the most discrete of individuals I instead focused on preparing the horses, getting familiar with the animals. Of particular note, is something Sunny discovered; The four towers at the corners of First Light are in actuality Gun Towers, aimed at first light with all four in range of the bell tower, where Seven hosts his duels. Its expected honestly, scum like Seven are never going to give anyone even the slightest chance of defiance, the slightest amount of fairness, it is only his way. We cannot leave this town fast enough.
On the day of leaving things started fine, a brief encounter with that one guard that was settled peacefully by Dyon before we get the wagon to the location, and we managed to get most of the supplies on board before Seven arrived. Were this earlier in my life i may have died from the shock of it, as it was we were confident in our chances to escape before he could properly stop us. We hurried the last few supplies on board with Caelann setting up obscuring mists, that unfortunately could not stop Seven from damaging the cart and making us lose some of our supplies. Even so, we somehow managed, not even blocking out the lihts and summoning shadows was enough for Seven to stop us and we succsfully left First Light behind us,