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Thu 10th Nov 2022 01:58

Entry Six

by Vash

The journey to Millstone has begun and its has not been a very... pleasant beginning. The cart triggered a mine on the first day, losing us some more supplies and extending our journey by at least half a day. Supposedly the first night was just as bad, somw shadows got into the camp according to the others, of course by the time I woke up (very rudely by Duok's pet) they were already dead and the light had returned.
The rest of the journey has fared better, we left the mines and reached the plains beyond, encountering little of note before the next night that also passed without any incident. There was a brief conversation on what brought us to this prison, Dyon would not tell us, Caelan killed a man, Sunny was brought in for squatting, Duok was with pirates, and Jake was an arsonist.
The third day brought us much more interests as we reached the mound, a restock station. There we found something special, a dead tree and a stick with a magnifying glass atop it. After freeing the stick from mound and shininglight upon the tree, fans in the mound were revealed and brought a hot spring creek from nothing after a great gust of wind. After a small struggle against the wind I managed to get into the hot spring, which simply divine. I felt the best I've felt since arriving in thi splace. Unfortunately the hot spring eventually vanished and we were left to continue the journey.
The last night after a conversation with Caelann of the dead tree in millstone, but it has been rudely interrupted by a speaking shadow, a red star in the sky shining down upon us, supposedly this shadow is what remains of Aster, a servant of some demon star who accompanied this group before me.