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Thu 10th Nov 2022 02:12

Entry Seven

by Vash

The moment the shadow of Aster appeared that light in the sky bathed us in red and he began doing things to us, I felt fear of him that I did not truly feel (I still got him with the hammer throw hah!), he made me collapse to the ground in forced maddening laughter, he practically lit Sunny on fire. He even transformed into some demon thing just before I managed to get him with my own light. Fortunately, despite some of us taking some hits, Deon finished him off and we got to return to teh daytime.
Fortunately after that incident we didn't have to go through another attack by the shadow's, seems they'd exhausted themselves sending that cultist after us. Although as it turns out coming closer with that god of his was that fools greatest wish, does that mean becoming a shadow will grant us such a thing? Would I be granted mine in some form if I become one?
It is something to keep in mind.
However even without shadows it is not as if the journey was uneventful, we found a crow following us, one that seemed to be interested in me particular. A conversation with it revealed that it was sent by the lord of flesh and bone to watch and report on us, I sent it a away with a message to its master to come to us directly if they want to learn of us.
Arriving at Millstone was admittedly, slightly better than I thought it would be. We had seen smoke coming from the town in the distance and upon arrival found the inhabitants wary of us, and that the town looked like it had been through war. Which it had, the villagers had rebelled against Seven's men and suffered greatly for it. Whats worse is they have no fuel for the fires and night is approaching, meaning that they're making us go to the old mine (the one filled with poisonous explosive gas) to retrieve some coal.
It shouldn't be too difficult, but I thought I'd be done with mines, so I've got a bad feeling about it.