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Mon 12th Dec 2022 10:37

Entry Nine

by Vash

It was worse than I thought, the now on fire ghost (or elemental I suppose) was deadly. It was exactly like a bonfire was trying to kill us, the damn thing only needed to move through us to light us aflame, not to mention I could barely hurt it, as it was made out of FUCKING FIRE.
I don;t want to think about it any more than necessary, so to keep it short we managed to hurt it quite a bit, it managed to almost kill us all after it fucking exploded and we only survived thanks to the intervention of some dwarves. Then we needed to chase the damn thing down before it could set the giant tree and the farms on fire. Thankfully Sunny put an end to it with a bullet and we were free to get the coal out of that damn fucking cave.
I'm never going back into a mine if I can help it.
Fortunately after almost dying we got enough coal to keep the town alive for the night and got to enjoy the sight of a town coming together after adversity. How cute. More importantly we heard back form the Lord of Flesh and Blood, they have given us an invitation to join them at Bloodthorn, naturally my allies are rather suspicious and wary, which not to say that I'm not suspicious or wary, but I am very interested. I want to meet them, I want to know why he seems to be interested in me, I want to know if a Lord of Flesh and Blood can be of assistance to my dream.
Other than that it turns out Sunny picked up a rather curious crystal from the mines, one that is the jail of a genie named Cirrus, capable of granting us a wish a week, although a very literal one that may be limited. Even so the knowledge he has is of great interest, he warned us off making a wish for forbidden knowledge, that we will be cursed my the gods if we ever learnt it. I used my wish to learn of the consequences, we would become a monster, an aberration upon this world. How curious, how infuriating. How dare the gods decide what we must learn? Regardless, it is unimportant for know, but I will seek a way to bypass this curse and learn the forbidden knowledge. Something that the gods forbid can only be of help to me.
This also proves the genie has at least some degree of knowledge I cannot access, he should be of great use to me.
Finally for our services Millstone has given us some property! A rather useful gift, I have missed having a place to call home and we should be able to set up some useful facilities.