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Sat 21st May 2022 09:22

Entry One

by Vash

This day was quite the eventful one, first my carriage passes by what looks to be an entire caravan of First Light guards delivering the latest shipment, then upon arrival Seven graciously invites me into his office. He just has me stand around, barely explaining why I'm there, only telling me I need to wait for the 'others'. Only reminds me of why I hate men like him, always seeing me as below them, thinking I should go along with their every order, for now I will, but some day I will be the one looking down on him.
Regardless, the 'others' arrived sooner rather than later. A motley bunch, not much to look at, except of course that man, Caelan. Once more I have to endure his insufferable company, its a shame I can't simply be rid of him, the knowledge I may gleam from him could be invaluable for my goal. So I am unsure if it is a blessing or a curse that Seven is determined to make us his lackeys, it'll grant me much resources from the man and give me more time to learn from Caelan, but I have to be beholden to Seven much more than normal and experience Caelans wonderful company, a tough decision.
The rest of the day was rather uneventful aside from a tavern brawl incited by bad drinks and a rather subversive conversation on what to do about Seven and his offer. The topic of wither leaving first light, killing Seven, or working for him were brought up, which as nice as two of those sound working for him is better in the long run.
Of course, there was something of far greater value to learn today, Caelan and his bunch encountered a dragon and memories from a time they still lived. It infuriates me to no end that I could not share in these experiences and that I have only Caelan's words to go off of, but the knowledge is still invaluable. Whilst the multi-coloured one means nothing to me, the multi-headed and great golden dragons in the memories do ring a bell. I'll need to see if I can remember anything from my studies or Her memories. Honestly however, the knwolwdge of what was in the pit is useless to me, what is truly important is that I was right! Iron Guard holds all kind of secrets, some of them must help me achieve my desire.
The path forwards is obvious, I'll accept Seven's offer for now until I'm able to explore the Ironguard without fear of the wraiths or other factions, then I'll join in on Caelan and his groups quest to escape. I care not if I leave the Ironguard, but cracking this place open can only help.
Also I tried wine for the first time, I don't see the appeal.