This is the greatest shitshow by Marai | World Anvil

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Mon 14th Nov 2022 07:58

This is the greatest shitshow

by Marai Lamnor

We reconvene at the bottle of the well, Alister thinks there at least 12 injured people nearby, and a medical tent nearby. Medical scent.
Avelyn healed some of the others wounds, positive energy radiation alerts us that there zombies nearby (the shuffling gait.
Turns out not zombies. I repeat, Maximus is a cunt and a cruel cruel bastard on his quest. He lobotomised the remaining prison inmates left from his haunts, and then injected them with samples of the bubonic plague.
Maximus bolted for the inner village, leaving us to deal with the lobo-zombies. Unfortunately recall knowledge revealed that they would fight to the death and without pain nor fear.
Defeated the lobo-zombies, then chased after the Cunt Bastard.
We broke our way into the palisade, managing to make peace with the three remaining goblinoids on the wall. Learned that the Hitokiri have bomb collared the civilians here to ensure no resistance. Requires a key to unlock, Alister says they can’t break it alone.
The Hitokiri have also left to attempt to seize Hei. That’s… gonna cause some issues.
Ventured further into the encampment (read: village), found Maximus pillaging for supplies in an attempt to run.
Maximus has been transformed further after failing his original quest - now missing his eyes, melded into his armour, and now a Vanguard with a fuck off greatsword. Caligni race fighter, inspiring those around them to attack instantly (read; attack of opportunity).
I hit the deck again at least twice. That sword fucking hurts like a bitch.
Maximus’s death triggered a small fire implosion, almost triggering the collar of the two goblins inside their home.
Hoping the Ogres (leaders of the village) had the key to the bomb collars, we ventured further into the cave to try find them.
The teeth surrounding the cave entrance seem to press down and almost like they’re trying to eat us. I seem less effected than the others. The weight of something disapproving watches us.
The ogre fight was a shitshow. Literally. We didn’t die, but i may have nightmares about those hooks.
On ransacking the place, we found a Hitokiri leader’s corpse, strung up and ripped apart with chains. They had the key we needed to free the goblin tribe. We took the key and bailed.
End of session notes.