A culty kinda day in Hei by Marai | World Anvil

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Fri 7th Oct 2022 07:20

A culty kinda day in Hei

by Marai Lamnor

We resume in the cellar.
Searched the rest of the cellar. Nothing left to discover here.
Alistair found key hidden in Weaver statue (puzzle) - resident thaumatage Avelyn assessed it. primal magic key, Aeonic (historical time period) so very old. Very rare to find a key like this (not 100% gold), especially more from a primal magic source.
Decides (De-ci-des) - lieutenant, currently fighting Hitokiri in forests. They’ve enslaved a goblin tribe, using them and their dogs to Harris and create openings for the Hitokiri to capitalise on.
Hitokiri notes - hit and run, sabotage, poison, mind control, traitors, infiltration.
Asked Petrus about an autopsy for Matatara- could have been an induced heart attack?
Going to chase gold trail, Castellum Inn, Kiri delivery driver. Tread with caution.
Get Lieutenant Decides in loop, pass on notes via Petrus. Two calls for hero’s, terrible people and left a smeared reputation.
Burned bridge with Kiri via invasive questioning, got “house” warehouse location for wine pickup on suggestion of clearing his name. Need to mention that in report to Decides.
Can’t tell anything from outside of the house, need better skills.
Expenses Report: 100gp
1x plate armour- Petrus
2x hand wraps +1 - Alistair and Marai
Remaining, 0gp
The House: 8 hostiles dead
Alistair spotted lightning rune on door handle, was zapped during disarm. Door disarmed (poison trap).
First rooms: Band-Aid with sling, asshole. One dead
Tunnel leading down, ambush site. One dead one capture
Room 2: 2x goblins and goblin dog teams
Room 3: president Marahosho has been kidnapped! By two hobgoblins! The drama.
Animated armour. Bastard.
Animated broom. Dusty motherfucker.
Corridor: shield wall hobgoblins, no president in sight. References to doing this for religious reasons, saying ‘the awl will not be kind’. Cult. Cult. Cult.
Correction: ”the taker of all”. A gnoll cleric. Bastard of a holy weapon.
Taker of all defeated, president rescued. Successful day all in all? I want a nap.