We’re a gambling ban’ by Marai | World Anvil

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Fri 28th Oct 2022 02:53

We’re a gambling ban’

by Marai Lamnor

Maximus was waiting with a contingency of guards ready to storm in due to the disturbance caused by both us and the barkeep. (Us being Alister and I bolting between floors to try reach the other room, the barkeep by attempting to murder Zoe.)
Maximus took the barkeep into custody with the guards, and was able to identify the casino chip - it belongs to The Rabbits Foot, here in the Pleasure quarter.
Did a scouting run with Alister while Petrus and Avelyn returned to Vice President Marahishi with report. Currently under watch from two beggars, actually undercover soldiers. Spotted drawn short swords under their blankets, and we decided to get moving.
Unfortunately the first idea we tried, scaling the garbage chute, was a mistake. I missed the climbing points and fell, which alerted the begged guards. In the ensuring fight, I was knocked out and we ended up storming the main building via the front doors (and in Alister’s case, a successful climb up the chute)
We managed to get the coerced goblins to safety, and the two archers inside were downed. I took one out lethally in order to protect Petrus, and then we managed to take the other down unconscious.
Unfortunately, those downstairs had time to barricade themselves in. We took the time to patch everyone up before attempt to storm down.
During a sweep outside, the guards lead by Leiutenant Decides and I found three buildings primed with black powder barrels, nine in total. These have been retrieved by the city guard.
First room downstairs is a water trap. Really nasty one. Water pit almost drowned Avelyn, Petrus and I before we managed to get out with Alister’s help.
Down the stairs, the water drains into a fighting arena, where we ran into Maximus. Maximus being not only now an Aasamir (converted from a tiefling by the All (potential replacement Of the fallen The Unknown god?)) and confessed to hearing the All speak to him in his dreams.
Maximuss claims to seek to bring order to Hei, and the All will remove the Hitokiri threat (interesting theory but yet to be proven in any capacity other than his words). He tried to persuade Petrus and the rest of our group to travel with him to where he says we can speak with the All (apparently months of travel to a mountain temple, location could be found perhaps?). We declined for obvious reasons.
During the ensuring fight! Avelyn and Petrus both seeing glimpses of a Greek styled column front temple, with the symbol of “Greed” emblazoned on it. Perhaps a hint towards the All’s nature or domain?
Maximus has been non lethally detained.