Party hard, make friends and carry a big stick by Marai | World Anvil

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Mon 5th Dec 2022 08:32

Party hard, make friends and carry a big stick

by Marai Lamnor

Yakob, 8 yo aasimar orphan/homeless child runner, gold hair green eyes. Request as a runner in future?
Ended up accepting the dual citizenship offered by Hei, at the expense of my family name. Surname changed to ?
Alister and Avelyn did as well, the house is signed into our names. We are all proud dual citizens now.
3x balls in our future - first is hosted by Sargent Marshal, second by Bernise, and the third by an unknown patron who’s withholding details until they know more about us. Masquerade ball, masks to be provided.
Parade was gorgeous, although taxing. We ended up noting a lot of social/political issues to consider, from increasing the army size to equaling the social-economic gap between blue and white collar classes.
Many things to consider.
Also helped a champion of Shelyn find their passion enough to swear their oaths - a sweet moment
Gideon partially outed me as a noble, so I came clean about my previous position to the others. Not all the details but enough to explain why I’m here. And about the spell scroll.
Next day is Ball 1, so picked up dresses and ordered Rayai clothes for when needed.
Ball 1: located an informant, through which I gained enough information to realise one of the senators is double dealing, with foundries under his ownership. Called him out on it infront of his lankiest, to which he challenged me to a duel. He challenged me, so I chose to unconscious. It took two hits to shatter his nose and jaw. It killed him. But thankfully, resurrection is paid by the loser. So oh, well?
Avelyn challenged Doris to a debate. Destroyed her verbally, at which Doris reveals she’s a skinsaw cultist, as well as a racist and hate crime funder. And the owner of a skinsaw construct which came through the gorgeous mural to the shining star.
All in all, we made an impression I guess? It’ll be interesting to see how people react to us at the next ball.
We wrapped up the night talking to our host Marshal, who’s looking to increase the funding and influence of Hei’s army. On closer discuss, we learned that he wants to increase the army’s influence in order to better protect Hei’s outlying farming and community areas, which are constantly being harassed by the local wildlife and attackers.
We convinced him to hold off until further discussions can be had, which we’ll debate with further information.