Glad Hag Logic by Marai | World Anvil

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Fri 6th Jan 2023 01:17

Glad Hag Logic

by Marai Lamnor

The plumb marmalade soup - gaspacho hot style soup and is delicious.
Spoke with a Chloe- she is living in the city, now a scribe at the town hall. Gave her an update on her Discordance, and asked her to look into the hag cults as the All, with a warning to stay safe and pass on/collect their locations and pass them back.
Hags are terrifying. Alistair mother paid a visit, and attempted to infect and corrupt Alister. Attempt failed, but left Alister shaken, understandably. Marshalls house was desecrated by a symbol of the monster (discovered by AEZESHA) and went on a shopping spree when it failed - first attempt I to get to the engine, then after Matahishi and Chloe. Chloe alive but stabbed with hemolergy spike, Matahishi unfortunately taken to his office and soul taken before being used in a hemothurgty ritual.
Chloe unharmed after Alistair removed the spike (pewter, hemolergic imbibed with someone unknown’s soul). Staying with a friend.
Spent time researching in forest library.
Hags not created by the Monster, but are truely evil. The hags used to be the queens of the fey - people of magical power under the Eldest, the Queens.
The hag mothers call isn’t a calling to become a hag, but originally a calling to rule as their mother had died. But with the twisting of the hags to their current state, it is now a call to become evil innately. Can be renounced but requires Alistair to loose everything she has heritage wise.
Went researching hags in the fey library. Lots of talking to Sprites and tiny cups.
Attacked in the library- two willowwhisps and a plant goat? Shambling mound!
Defeated the three, and gah the whisps are a tad horrifying. What a time to no longer be resistant to lighting.
Gleaned library lore - a temple in the feywilds/first world. Slipped between the plane of earth and then into the material plane. Three items inside to solve the problems. Weaver’s holy symbol, the first hearthstone (stops hags from teleportating into the ethereal plane, can lock down the hag), and murals of the creation of the universe as told to the firstborn by the gods.
House is done!
Captain Decidus’s shadow panther - Zeva
Polyamory is allowed here? Brain is scrambled but also makes sense with Tempen culture too. Go Avelyn!
That’s going to be adorable but also brain is still processing as so different from what I know.
Culture shock via Alistair. There’s a lot of cultural changes.
Deciding to go temple diving for more information and archeological work - could be interesting!