A sudden wine tasting by Marai | World Anvil

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Fri 7th Oct 2022 07:19

A sudden wine tasting

by Marai Lamnor

Two opposing politicians, upcoming election in one week after start of new year.
Previous president resigned, has disappear into his house. Not seen since.
Town criers every 400ft, has notices and voting info
300 wine bottle delivery to Matatara’s house, regular delivery every few weeks, 3-4 weeks?
Delivery driver, Davis / ask for “Kiri” - co-tavern owner.
Inn name Castellum, has Vorin wine and Tempis beer on stock, reason to visit for information?
Screams from Matatara’s house, Petrus attacked by doppelgänger pretending to be Matatara
Defeated doppelgänger, searched house. Found Matatara was researching blackmail info on Marahashi. Career ending blackmail, useful bargaining tool
Matatara found dead, corpse stuffed in wine barrel. Dead several weeks, been replaced by Matatara. Seems to have died from a heartbreak from bad habits and diet. Doppelgänger took the opportunity to replace, seems unrelated but also not confirmed. Matatara knew he was being followed but not confirmed.
Also found in cellar - 20,000 gp of Dunras tradebar gold. The leading theory is it's being paid to Hitokiri - an army of elite assassins. Who most likely have a trade route through the forest, as they would not get a shipment like that through Tempis.