Great swords, geases and guns oh my! by Marai | World Anvil

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Fri 14th Oct 2022 07:21

Great swords, geases and guns oh my!

by Marai Lamnor

All alive! Marahosho missing thumb and last two fingers, ouch. Might need a prosthetic?
Documents, written in Thassalonian, can’t be understood with comprehend languages. One doc translated, Avelyn has decoding.
Plot involving Marahishi and an Escort, assassination plot using someone close to Marahishi.
Alter: not useful outside of general sacrificial use.
Found Rune of Crushing on alter, tucked into crevice. May be used for Petrus later?
Marahosho gone from several weeks, means someone impersonating him as the president. Escorted him out with a sack over head. Dropped bandit with Lieutenant De-Cedi-us
Marahosho’s house untouched. Had a wife, died a year ago by tripping down the Townhall stairs.
Marahishi stabbed, and Marahosho dopppleganger ran with documents. Took a fuck ton of documents, looking to frame Marahishi? Gathering info on him, left a lot for finance info.
Marahishi has set up a debt based money system, really clever system and pretty self functional.
A Child was seen running with document folders, towards South Gate, and then murdered further down the street. Bloody footprints lead to alley and ditched shoes. Still heading to South Gate, but might be a distraction. No way to determine where or how they went, child killed 30 min ago. Trail likely lost, but Petrus requested data on who left each gate around that time?
Marahishi is embezzling, but actually doing do money switch with his own funds. Money has been spent but not tracked, so it’s a way to buy something a round about way. He’s using the untraceable funds are being used to buy a girl free from the Pleasure house. She might be in danger, been asked to save her. Chloe, name to ask for at the Rascal.
Pardon included, for past actions.
Went to the Rascal, Chloe plays cards? (Cards are bladed)
Zoe, Chloe, Aelia, Kelly (one of the girls are the spies) each has an item, red scarf by Chloe or Aelia
Kelly comes back soon Aelia, and Chloe’s already back.
<redacted data from puzzle>
ZOE is the spy, Petrus and Avelyn interrogation with a bartender supervision. Alistair and I are keeping watch in the main room.

Avelyn sends emergency crystal, Alistair and I ran to room to see the bartender trying to kill Zoe. Knocks her unconscious, Petrus attempts to grapple and restrain. Bartender restrained, ko’d and manacled.
Zoe is under a geas, has to be asked direct questions. Couldn’t see who, darker room, glowing gem like eyes. (Might Ben seperate from the gnoll, they have reflective eyes). Been 5 months, at least 7th level magic. They took her husband, they might be at a casino? She palmed a chip, a potential clue as to where to go.