A series of unfortunate effects by Marai | World Anvil

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Fri 28th Oct 2022 07:17

A series of unfortunate effects

by Marai Lamnor

So we start this session with an unconscious Maximus, a leaky training room, and a staircase down. Considering Maximus a suicide risk with half plate and a convenient staircase down, we took him with us to the first landing.
At the bottom of the stairs was a lovely goblinoid who found Maximus’s situation amusing - but not enough to let us pass unchallenged sadly.
Past him was a room with a fucking basilisk, two dog statues and several broken dog statues. The basilisk managed to petrify Petrus (the alliteration is somehow amusing in hindsight), and could have potentially killed us all. I now understand why they’re so feared as guard dogs. Petrus was in statuefied through the use of basilisk blood, which I’m glad we had enough of to coat him in. Messy but effective?
Past the basilisk, we have Zoe’s captured husband (unconscious) and a bloody were-tiger who can pounce like a cat and likes to play with his food. Very unpleasant to fight, and in the process all four of us were hit enough for concerns of being cursed ourselves. Very luckily, Zoe’s husband was not turned before we arrived, which could have been a disaster with the next full moon in unsuspecting citizens.
We gook Maximus, Zoe’s husband and the two remaining petrified dog statues back to the guard house, where Maximus was put under guard and then Zoe’s husband kept under surveillance as he woke up, to be reunited with his wife.
Doughnut reward!!!!!!!!
A quick trip to Matahishi’s office to report, our initial payment and an additional payment from the recovered black powder, which I used to pay for Remove Curses for all of us at the temple and then divided the remainder among all of us. I wouldn’t even know what to do with all that gold now anyway.
He also gave us the Dead to the Rascal, or rather to Petrus and offered to split it among all four of us if we were willing to considering taking up Hei citizenship, renouncing our previous ones.
We then went to the Temple, and I’m very happier had the extra gold because all four of us had been cursed. Thankfully the temple was able to remove the curse from all of us, and then we could buy enough basilisk blood to free the dogs from petrification. We now have an Irish Wolfhand and. Husky Corgi mix, very sweet and hungry.
What a hell of a day.