The ride of the Goblins by Marai | World Anvil

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Fri 18th Nov 2022 12:00

The ride of the Goblins

by Marai Lamnor

Ex-Hitokiri was a tiefling, horns sheered and covered in skin and nails have regrown. Endured months of torture, to the point nails have regrown.
They’ve used a single nail to write tiny words, etched into the stone below. Abyssal derived phrase, “he comes, he comes, I feel him in my mind, he comes. Stab my h”
Given the offer to rest for the night. Warmth and uninterrupted sleep.
Well not so interrupted, weird dreams. Maybe the All’s, similar to what was described. Can see the temple, no a nobles manor.
The All wants to clear up some ‘misrepresentations by some zealots. Invited in for tea by the Thaulmir Thanthroipus as he gave his name. Or the All if preferred, hes’ been around and has recently reawaken.
It’s a comfortable inside, cozy sitting room. Given a scroll to look over. A resurrection scroll. He made it. Can resurrect R.
Offer to visit and leave three times, he is the RuneLord of Nature, and wants to reclaim what was his. Skin is studded with Aeon stones, unique magic, limited no in world. He has a number of resurrection ones, 12 which could resurrect him. 40k gap each. Also has 100 embedded various aeon stones, pattern I don’t recognise.
He’s slept until 20 years, when the Hei ran through his lands. He let them through, gave them the easiest path through. These are the lands he wants to reclaim. Owner of the storm wall region. Kept in check, keep the elemental storms in check.artefacts to be reclaimed would help restore his strength.
Would potentially like to have our help, in part to have people around, and because we have proven very competent and lean towards.
He’s offered three visits for the chance to change our minds from Maximus’s words to his own.
Awoke to the Hitokiri tiefling blood corpse trying to kill us. Threw scroll case out of way, then had to kill that.
Killed the vein ooze. Am covered in blood, had to vomit and then scrub the blood off.
Alister says her mother is using the All’s face as a figurehead to create a cult, responsible for Maximus’s change. Hag also stole from his library, looking at aeon stones useage (not creation and destruction as not written down).
Five days to get back to Hei, just in time to break the Hitokiri siege. Unusual behaviour, straight out assaults aren’t their thing. Refusing to give in however is. No men left standing.
Lieutenant Decidus has a cannon, and has done an excellent job of defending the city.
New tavern name - Moose on the Loose
Group name - The Four Corners, a circle divided into four. A shield a coins, a book, and a scale.
We’ll have a parade and a number of balls to attend. Gideon will help us with outfits and balls. Got a fine and a high fashion gown that I can alternate.
Met Travvok, travelling merchant who offered to brain rare foods and weapons for us - the more urgent the request,the higher the cost. Can access teleportation magic for high high costs. Negotiated a 4% fee for items, down from a 15% fee.