Valdrieth (in remembrance) by Marai | World Anvil

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Fri 3rd Feb 2023 07:19

Valdrieth (in remembrance)

by Marai Lamnor

Got everyone back to the city for camp quarantine and recuperation. Petrus had to stay an extra day or two rather as he then went during the other people affected by the malaria plague. Aiesha also went down from the blinding sickness, but everyone else is fine so far.
After reporting back to the office of the last surviving M Leader, we met Braydon Mills, a quite well known Bard from the city of Hei. Marahoso asked us to to take Braydon under our wing, as he’d experienced a similar magical explosion while somewhere near the the border of Stabia (Tempis side).
Alister thinks Braydon isn’t just a bard, but nothing additionally confirmed yet.
We’ve moved Braydon and his mother (Alister’s tailor, was working under another name for own annomnitity due to Braydon’s reputation). Alister’s mothers and family also arrived, have been set up and are making a home for themselves. They are always welcome here.
We’ve all kind of pulling ourselves together again.
Filled Braydon in on Alister’s Mother. Agreed worth the threat of the forest to try prevent her attacking Hei further.
Went back into the forest. Petrus found the den of an ogre trap spider - by falling in. So spider wrastling anyone? Lots of Marai throwing house jokes to ensure.
Ended up staying the night to further explore the ruins. Followed a stone tunnel with diamond patterned floors, and found the original mosaic that caused the Golden Lady to smite a city. Nasty Haunte, first one shows everyone’s greatest guilts/sins.
Petrus - people he fought, killed or had betray him
Alister - Avelyn’s diseased corpse
Braydon - human, dead, covered in battle wounds
I….didn’t seem affected…
Haunt 2: triggered post assembling mosaic. We all watched each other turn into demons of the monster, each of us becoming either fiendish or demonic. And the feeling that we’d all been betrayed. Spirit possession.
And se left with May being broken out of the haunt, and a minute to plan before the haunt comes back.