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8th of Utkar, 1491 DR

Jasper's Journal: The Stone Door

by Jasper Solavich

8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
With the death of Vilnius, I began to question the true intentions that Kasimir may have had in leading us to this place... As I was lost in thought, Sergei noticed a green light dancing in the hallway where the stone golem had come from. We all snuck forward to investigate it, and Sergei found that a green wall of flame roared at the entrance of the Amber Temple, blocking any form of exit.
We stared at it for a brief moment, and Sergi declared that he wanted to get a closer look. Morric however wanted to go back to where Vadania betrayed him, in hopes that he could find his dog Apollo. I felt that I needed to help him, especially after misjudging him so badly. I expressed my intent to join him, and we ventured off while the other two stayed back to check out the flame.
As we headed down the stairs, I swallowed my pride and apologized to Morric for being an ass, and for doubting his loyalty and character. He actually apologized to me as well for being an ass and constantly assaulting me. This was quite the pleasant surprise. I have a feeling this will blossom into a better friendship between the two of us! We sealed our new respect with a fierce handshake, and as we were about to set off again, the other two caught up to us and informed us that the fires were the same as the gate on the Tsolenka Pass.
The four of us traveled on together in the direction which Morric said we needed to go, eventually passing underneath a large black marble archway. As I looked up, I saw a reflection of myself in the marble. My face was distorted into a terrified scream. It appeared that I was silently shouting directly at myself: "Turn around, there is nothing but darkness and death ahead. Think of Arabelle!" This shocked me to my core to see, and honestly filled me with quite a bit of fear. I put my hand Morric's shoulder and told him what I saw, he looked back and glanced at the ceiling for a moment. As he looked up, my dear monkey Piccolo spoke to me and told me that he was himself also warning him not to produce. Morric then reported a similar phenomenon, but that we needed to go and it would be quick.
We quickly and quietly made our way down the nearest hall, all the way to the end, where we found a single slab of marble in the middle of a doorway. Morric and I gave it our best effort, but we could not move the stone. On the other side of the wall we could hear whimpering and scratching of some creature, clearly we were in the right place! Together the four of us continued to try and open the door, but unfortunately nothing was helping.
Eventually I make the suggestion to Ander to use that Wand of Secrets to see if perhaps there is some sort of magical secret keeping us from opening it. He pulled it out and moved it around the door, eventually causing it to illuminate around the edges, revealing some sort of magic that is keeping it shut and locked. With this revelation, I asked Ander if he knew any spells which could Dispel Magic and open the door. Luckily, he did know exactly this kind of magic and he cast it onto the door! Magic crackled around the outsides and after a moment the door swung open, revealing the dark room.
Inside, three sarcophagi, similar to those which where in the pit I previously descended into, and their vile darkness seeped into the room. In the corner of the room was a small, injured, and whimpering Apollo. He was badly bloodied, and half of his skin had become a pale and sickly distorted color. He limped over to Morric, revealing a small satchel which he had been guarding. Morric noticed this too, but I gestured for him to care for his dog while I investigated the bag. Inside the burned and damaged back was a number of small destroyed trinkets, a Blinsky doll which looked eerily like Vadania, and the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. I reported this to the group, stored the holy symbol, gave the doll to Ander, and we all made our way out of the room.
As we made it to the center of the archway again, I paused for a moment and allowed my companions to pass me. I looked back up at my screaming reflection and thanked it for the warnings. I then implored to it and asked: "Please, tell me where is the blade of sunlight that has been buried in this place?" I watched as my reflection stopped screaming and then stared back at me, before swiftly moving along the archway to the north before finally disappearing. Though ominous, it seems I finally have a lead in the direction of the sword! I relayed this information to the group, and then we made our way back to the massive statue to make camp for a short rest.
Once we arrived, Morric and Sergei tried to get the magical collar off of Apollo's neck which was sapping his life-force. He called me over once they realized they could not open it - clearly they know Jasper Solavich has a way with locks! With ease I picked the tumblers of the lock and easily got it off the poor doggie's neck. He was filled with joy at its removal and began blinking all over the room in happiness. With the collar off of Apollo, we made our way back up into the statue and began to rest for a bit of time. Who knows what else awaits, hopefully I will find this sword of sunlight soon...
~ Jasper Solavich