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8th of Utkar, 1491 DR

Jasper's Journal: Fell Flames in the Darkness

by Jasper Solavich

8th of Utkar, 1491 DR
Fear began to wash over me as I looked into the soul-less eyes of the three Flameskulls guarding the three sarcophagi in the deep pit. But, fear can never bring Jasper Solavich down! I deftly leap into the air on three separate attempts, delivering punches and surging my ki into stunning strikes. Sadly though, they all resisted my ki! This was surprising, as I had no problem stunning these creatures earlier...
I could hear the sounds of my companions fighting the golem above, but I figured I had time to delay these skulls. It was either that, or lead them up and we fight everything at once. Not a fun prospect! But, back to the task at hand! After delivering numerous blows to the skulls, two of them began to chattering their teeth and the image of them suddenly started to blur and become obfuscated. No doubt the effects of some strange magic. The remaining skull manifested a massive fireball and blasted it on the floor at my feet. But, I am too lithe for him! I easily rebounded off the wall, landing back in my original position completely unscathed.
As I landed back on the floor, Piccolo began to speak to me through my mind. He said, "Hey boss! The guys are running from the statue. I am going to help the little weenie one -", he was referring to Ander, a hilarious and apt description! "- I tied off the rope, come up when you can." Leave it to that monkey, he has saved our butts so many times. Ander is lucky to have him helping!
After this Piccolo finished talking, the skulls began to fly up the tunnel, and I shot four radiant sun bolts from my fingers into the nearest one, absolutely destroying it on impact. As its remains clattered to the ground around me, I turned and ran into the corner, hoping they would leave. But, they flew back down... One of them shot two rays of fire at me. I managed to dodge one of them, but the other charred up the side of my left arm. The second skull created five points of blue light and shoot them all in my direction. Magic Missiles. Sadly, there was no dodging that one. They pricked my flesh and hurt quite a bit, but still nothing Jasper cannot handle!
As they tried to flee up the whole once again, I capitalized on the opportunity. I darted out from the corner and took a brief breath as I concentrated on the shifting blurred images of the closest skull. I channeled my ki through my fingers and launched four more bolts of radiant light into it. All four shot hit their mark and the skull shattered into countless pieces of bone. As they clattered down to the ground around me, I noticed a dark figured coming down the rope and then heard a shriek which could come from only the most girly of men... Vilnius had just climbed down the rope and ran directly into the last Flameskull.
Just as Vilnius poked his ugly mug down the hole, I also heard the voice of little Piccolo come through into my mind. He said, "Hey boss! Things are not going well, the old guy almost died but he is okay now. I thought was going to have to give him the kiss of life!" That was a bit concerning, I was worried my friends were in serious danger, but these skulls were keeping me from leaving this pit.
As Piccolo spoke to me, Vilnius screamed in terror and tried to swing forward at it with my short sword, but he clearly is not apt in combat and whiffed completely. The skull flew back down toward me and once again cast Magic Missiles at me. Sadly, the magic prevented me from possibly being able to dodge. They hurt quite a bit, and I was bleeding and bruised significantly at this point, but I was not down for the count yet. As I prepared to fire back at it, I saw Morric pop up past Vilnius and say "Jasper! Finish it!" Much to my surprise, he harnessed some of his planar magic to mark the creature. I did not question this, though I was shocked that Morric came to help me, and let alone how he was even here at all, I seized the opportunity. I grabbed the rope and ran up the wall, swinging at the apex and releasing. I flung through the air up to the skull and delivered four heavy punches into the skull. Morric's magic helped the blows to be even stronger than normal, and I absolutely shattered the skull under the weight of my fists.
As I landed back on the ground, I wiped the blood from my lips and spit out the remainder that was in my mouth. I then staggered a bit and looked up at Morric, shouting: "That was three! Actually, after the last fight that makes five!" Then I thought for a second, the fight finally over and myself having a moment to think. I looked back up and said, "Wait, how did you get here? And where is Vadania?" He looked down at me with concern and said, "I've got a lot to tell you..." This did not bode well. I thought to myself, "She better be okay."
After Morric made his way back up, I gestured to Vilnius and told him to climb back up the rope. He told me that he would rather stay down here in this room... After the Flameskulls, and with the three sarcophagi in this room, I was not going to take any chances with this strange man. I pointed at him and said, "I am a nice guy Vilnius, but after this fight, I am not fucking around. Get your ass up that rope right now." He still did not listen, so I punched him and tried to deliver my ki into hi to stun him, but he resisted. He dove for the sarcophagus and I had to knock him unconscious before he touched it...
Once he hit the ground, completely knocked out, I grabbed the glowing amulet out of his hand that he was holding. As it touched my skin, darkness raced through my mind. An insidious voice began to whisper, "Good, I didn't like him anyway. I can help you, just reach out and touch it'". Its offer was so enticing, it was extremely hard resist. Just as I was about to touch the sarcophagus, I snapped out of the trance. I wrapped the amulet into some cloth and tucked it into my bag. With it stowed away, I grabbed him and hoisted him up the rope along with myself.
Upon reaching the top of the pit, I dragged Vilnius over to the wall and sat up his limp body. I grabbed my sword back from him, and as I walked towards Ander I told Morric and Sergei to kill him if he work up and tried anything. I showed Ander the amulet and warned him about the effects it has whenever you hold it. He starred at it for some time, as if trying to derive whatever it was, until he finally realized. He took the amulet from me and produce a scroll of the spell Remove Curse and removed the magical effects from the amulet. Hey, now that is some quick money! Never doubt my ability to find us fine jewelry, even after the crazy fight.
With the amulet taken care of, Morric began to tell us this important news he mentioned. He informed us that Vadania betrayed him, tried to kill him, touched the sarcophagus, spoke with some sort huge dark figure, and then opened a dark portal and vanished. She and Kasimir apparently kidnapped Apollo in order to trick him and lead him into this room where they would try to kill him. It was hard to believe, especially given my previous opinions of Morric. But between what happened with Vilnius, how Morric just helped me, and the darkness I have felt around Vadania for some time. It seems that I have completely misjudged Morric, and though I hate to admit it, I owe him an apology.
This was quite disturbing news, and it took us all a bit to process it. We've been betrayed by both Vadania and Kasimir. She released some sort of dark power. And, as far as Morric is aware, she left with the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. But, he did not go back to check, and he has not found Apollo yet either. We must certainty go back and check, but for the time being, we had a couple minutes of brief respite.
Later, Sergei put manacles upon Vilnius, and we all circled around him as he began to awake. I was nice to him at first, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and tried to trust him. But, he kept lying to us. He made up story after story about how he got here, each one of them lies. Eventually I asked him why he tried to touch the sarcophagus, and after what happened to Vadania and down in the room, I was not going to accept any lies. As he kept lying, I got angrier and angrier until I finally lost my temper for the first time in a long while. I threatened him and told him he had one more chance to tell the truth before I cut off both his arms (a recommendation from the old man). And, to my surprise he finally told the truth.
He was honest and told us that he came here to not help his daughter, but himself, and to gain more power by touching the sarcophagus. I knew we could not leave him alive, but it is not my nature to kill that which is defenseless, I couldn't do it... Then Ander look to me, a knowing look, a look that said everything. He knew I couldn't do it, and he was telling me that he would. I turned away and said, "If you all agree, do what you must, but I'm a man of my word and told him I wouldn't". As I walked away, Ander cast some foul necrotic magic and killed Vilnius, ensuring he could not get in our way moving forwards.
We deposited his body in the secret chamber where I found the skeleton, and locked the hidden door. As we walked back out into the main room to discuss what to do next, we began to see a sickly green light emanating from the main chamber. Oh joy, what next... We haven't even gotten a chance to rest in hours! It is always something new, and dangerous, in this temple...
~ Jasper Solavich

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